Jun 28, 2017
Biofuels “indispensable” for decarbonisation of EU transport sector, argue MEPs
Biodiesel News
Jun 27, 2017
A new passenger train system currently under development in Florida will run on biodiesel fuel, according to the South Florida Business Journal. The Miami based company developing the Brightline train system has teamed up with Florida Power & Light Co. to use clean energy alternatives for fuel. Expected to begin operation in September, the Brightline train will run... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Jun 27, 2017
Mexico’s energy regulator, CRE, has approved an increase in the ethanol content in gasoline for domestic consumption to as high as 10% from the current 5.8%, according to Reuters. The move has been made despite environmental groups warning that the action could cause more pollution. The change will mean gasoline imported and sold in Mexico will be closer to that... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 26, 2017
Counties in downstate New York are set to join New York City in providing cleaner air through increased use of biodiesel in home heating, with a product called Bioheat fuel. Legislation passed by Assemblyman Steve Englebright and Senator Phil Boyle would expand the state’s commitment to renewable energy by requiring heating oil sold in Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 26, 2017
A planned political protest by Neste employees, set to have started on 26 June, has been cancelled. Personnel groups at the Finnish sustainable fuels provider announced on 20 June that they planned to arrange a political protest against the ownership policy in Finland. Representatives of employee groups said they would discontinue Neste’s fuel distribution at the... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 23, 2017
Members of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) and Iowa Biodiesel Board (IBB) have gone to Capitol Hill in Washington to urge Iowa’s Congressional delegation to keep fighting for a reformed biodiesel tax incentive. The two biodiesel bodies claim that the changes to the incentive would save US taxpayers money and also encourage domestic job creation and energy... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Jun 23, 2017
A controversial new study claims that using corn for biofuels comes with greater environmental costs and fewer benefits than using it for corn. The study from researchers at the University of Illinois and Urbana-Champaign has been published in the journal Earth’s Future. It aims to determine whether corn is better utilised as a biofuel or as a food source, addressing... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 22, 2017
International energy and climate consultancy Ecofys has completed a new study into crude tall oil (CTO) availability, current usage, whether the feedstock creates additional demand for land, and if the use of CTO in advanced biofuels can have a distortive effects on markets. The study was commissioned by Finnish company UPM Biofuels, who considered it necessary to investigate... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Jun 22, 2017
Expanding growth output at the UK’s bioethanol plants is driving up wheat consumption, contributing to the country becoming a net wheat importer for only the fourth time in 25 years, according to an article on Agrimoney.com. Defra, the UK’s farming ministry, pegged the country’s wheat exports at 1.5 million tonnes in its first forecast for the country’s... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Jun 21, 2017
The Impact Assessment Institute (IAI) has raised serious questions about the ways the European Commission reached its proposed Renewable Energy Directive revision (dubbed RED II). Suggested changes to the Directive under RED II would see a gradual phase out of crop-based biofuels such as ethanol from the European fuel mix. The legislation has proven deeply unpopular in... [Read More]

Other News
Jun 21, 2017
The government of Queensland, Australia has announced plans for a new biorefinery in the state. The new facility, which will be built and operated by US company Amyris, suggests the drive to attract biorefinery investors to Queensland is starting to pay off. Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, speaking in San Diego at the BIO2017 International Convention, said the... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 20, 2017
Scientists from ExxonMobil and Synthetic Genomics (SGI) have taken a huge step towards producing algae biofuels on an industrial scale, developing a strain of algae capable of converting carbon into a record amount of energy rich fat. This fat can then be turned into biofuels. Using CO2 to generate fat from algae is not necessarily new, but the amount of fat produced by... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 20, 2017
Dubai based Neutral Fuels is set to use crowd funding platform Eureeca to expand production and meet the ever growing demand for clean, green biofuels. It is believed to be the first time a biofuels company has raised capital in this way.   The company, the first and one of the largest in the region, is looking to build on six years of profitable growth. Neutral... [Read More]

Other News
Jun 19, 2017
Scientists in Germany have found a way to refine biodiesel so that it works in standard diesel car engines, according to an article appearing on Live Science. Differences in molecular structure mean that biodiesel made from plant material burns at a different temperature to petrodiesel. As a result, only specially designed engines can run on pure biodiesel or blends that... [Read More]

Other News
Jun 19, 2017
A decade ago, the production of renewable diesel began at the Neste Porvoo refinery in Finland. Since then, Neste’s renewable biofuels have reduced greenhouse gas emissions from traffic by more than 33 million tons. That figure is close to the total annual CHG emissions from road transport in both Sweden and Finland combined. Neste’s MY Renewable Diesel has... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 16, 2017
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to release it proposals for renewable fuel use requirements for 2018 soon, perhaps within a matter of days, according to Reuters. Traders are apparently expecting no changes to conventional targets, and modest increases to biofuels volumes, the Reuters article claims. The proposal marks a significant moment in the... [Read More]

Other News
Jun 16, 2017
A waste to fuel start-up is preparing to move to the next level, following substantial investment. British company Envirofuel has received a £250,000 loan from Lancashire Rosebud Finance. The funding boost will allow the company to expand its operations. Envirofuel recycles household waste into fuel to minimise landfill. Aided by the new investment, the company plans... [Read More]

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