Feb 15, 2019
US university’s algae research could lower costs of biodiesel production
Bioethanol News
Feb 14, 2019
Renewable ethanol association ePure’s secretary general Emmanuel Desplechin has responded to the EU Commission’s draft surrounding high risk indirect land-use change (ILUC) biofuels and the shift of focus away from unsustainable sources of palm oil. The draft details curbing any biofuels with a high ILUC-risk and its amount of consumption in 2019 within the... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 14, 2019
A letter has been sent to US congress about a multi-year extension of the biodiesel tax incentive. The letter was written by 44 members of the House of Representatives and stated that after letting the biodiesel tax incentive for 2017 expire for 2018 and beyond, “the industry is once again facing prolonged uncertainty about this policy.” The bipartisan coalition... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 13, 2019
Ethanol trade association Growth Energy announced that it has filed a lawsuit challenging the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ‘failure’ to address small refinery exemptions from the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) in its 2019 renewable volume obligation (RVO) rulemaking. The current lawsuit continues the longstanding dispute between the renewable... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 12, 2019
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering the release of its draft proposal to expand the sales of higher ethanol blends of gasoline without including measures it promised to the oil industry to restrain biofuel credit speculation, Reuters reports. The move, according to the report, would allow the agency to lift a summertime ban on E15 gasoline in time... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 12, 2019
According to the official journal, the EU has exempted eight Argentine biodiesel producers from paying duties, as long as they export to Europe at a minimum sell price, Reuters reports. In January, Biofuels International reported that the EU had become prepared to accept a deal with the Argentine producers to settle trade disputes over exports into Europe. The deal was... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 11, 2019
The Times of India, reports that managing director of Muenzer Bharat, Sanjay Shrivastaava said that it will start converting used oil into 100% water-based biodiesel. According to The Times of India, Muenzer Bharat is a biodiesel manufacturing facility that has been set up under the ‘National Used Cooking Oil Collection Mission for India’. The biodiesel produced... [Read More]

Other News
Feb 7, 2019
Major oil and gas companies Eni and Pertamina have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The deal has been made to investigate synergies of their respective technologies, expertise and know-how. The evaluation of new circular economy collaboration opportunities that would make for strategic development for Eni and its subsidiaries, Syndial Environment and Versalis Chemicals,... [Read More]

Other News
Feb 7, 2019
The Finnish Parliament has approved a law that is set to see biofuels targets gradually increase for 2030. The new law has made for a world-leading advanced biofuels target of 10% in 2030. Finnish parliament’s approval of the law will increase the share of biofuels used in road traffic to 30% by 2029. The government has also approved a law that will allow for the... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 6, 2019
According to Reuters, the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI) reports that Indonesia’s 2018 exports of palm oils, oleochemical and biodiesel shipments, has risen 8% from 2017 to 34.6 million tonnes.   Reuters reports GAPKI chairman, Joko Supriyono said that shipments to China and Pakistan rose last year in order to support global demand for vegetable oil. However,... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 6, 2019
Next Renewable Fuels has announced that it has entered a long-term purchase and sale agreement for the purchase of renewable diesel from its planned Port Westward, Oregon facility. The company states that it has an investment of over $1 billion (€878 million) to continue the development of its Oregon renewable diesel facility. The facility is expected to have an annual... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 6, 2019
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has sent a letter to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) acting administrator Andrew Wheeler regarding the biomass-based biodiesel blending obligations for 2021 and 2022. With the obligations being calculated for a release in spring 2019, which is deemed in the letter as the ‘reset rule’, the RFA has requested... [Read More]

Other News
Feb 6, 2019
Finnish fuel firm Neste has published its financial report, with its CEO Peter Vanacker describing the year of 2018 as ‘very strong’ for the company. According to the report, Neste posted a €320 million increase in comparable operating profit from 2017 which it outlines as a record-high. Regarding its Renewable Products division, Neste claimed that its... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 5, 2019
Renewable fuels and biochemicals company Aemetis has announced that the California Energy Commission (CEC) has issued a Notice of Proposed Award (NOPA) for a $5 million (€5.6 million) grant to the company’s Riverbank cellulosic ethanol biorefinery. California State funding through the CEC grant provides support for projects that aim to reduce air pollution,... [Read More]

Other News
Feb 4, 2019
Sustainable marine biofuel produced by Dutch company GoodFuels has been successfully delivered to a bulk carrier chartered by international mining company BHP. The vessel, Frontier Sky, is owned by Japanese shipping company NYK. CO2 savings from the fuel have been verified with BLOC’s blockchain fuels assurance programme.  The marine biofuel was supplied by... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Jan 31, 2019
According to AgriCensus, investments in new corn ethanol production capacity in Brazil’s Mato Grosso are underway.   President of Brazil’s corn ethanol producers’ association Unem, Ricardo Tomczyk has projected that new corn ethanol production will lead to surplus biofuel flowing into the country’s north and northeast regions, putting current... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 30, 2019
The European Commission has announced that US soya beans meet technical requirements to be used in biofuels in the EU. It has also formally recognised the scheme until the 1 July 2021. A joint statement agreeing to increase trade in several areas and products, including soya beans, between presidents Juncker and Trump in 2018, was a part of The Commission’s decision. The... [Read More]

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