Jul 1, 2019
Japanese airline ANA to purchase sustainable aviation fuel from LanzaTech
Policy News
Jun 28, 2019
Classification service provider the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has published its ‘Advisory on Gas and Other Low Flashpoint Fuels’, to offer guidance on current technologies, regulatory requirements and operational considerations for adopting gas and low flashpoint fuels. “The majority of the deep-sea shipping fleet will be using conventional and... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 28, 2019
Renewable Energy Group (REG) has announced it will set up a Monarch Fueling Station at its biodiesel plant near Newton, Iowa, US. The habitat for monarch butterflies will cover approximately one and a half acres of land. According to REG, the biorefinery will initially spray the area to eradicate non-native grasses this summer and again in the autumn, before carrying out... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 27, 2019
Maas Companies has announced the auction of Global Fuels’ $11 million (€9.67 million) biodiesel plant, located in southeastern Missouri, US. The facility, which has a capacity of 5 million gallons of biodiesel per year, was built in 2007 with an initial capacity of 3.1 million gallons per year. The capacity was increased after a technology upgrade in 2013, which... [Read More]

Other News
Jun 27, 2019
Norwegian state-owned airport operator Avinor has partnered with Quantafuel to purchase sustainable aviation fuel derived from domestic biomass. According to Avinor, the biofuel will be produced in a pilot plant, which will be partly funded by Norwegian investment bank ENOVA. Avinor has committed to purchase fuel for NOK 8 million (€827,505). “Sustainable aviation... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 26, 2019
Aerospace company Boeing will invest $1 million (€880,000) in Brazil’s sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) industry. In an attempt to help the country develop this nascent industry, Boeing’s investment will focus on initiatives that maximise social, economic and environmental benefits to local communities that are developing feedstock used in the production... [Read More]

Other News
Jun 26, 2019
Energy services provider Aggreko has renewed its contract with Glastonbury Festival to offer a number of emission-reducing power solutions at this year’s music festival. The company has been the exclusive power supplier for the UK festival since 2007, with this year seeing the introduction of generators powered by hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), a clean-burning... [Read More]

Policy News
Jun 26, 2019
Members of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA), have urged the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to update an outdated environmental analysis on ethanol to improve trade. Research carried out by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that US ethanol lowers greenhouse gas emissions... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 25, 2019
Renewable fuel producer Gevo announced earlier in June that Virgin Australia has reached 1 million kilometres of flights powered by sustainable aviation jet fuel (SAJF). The milestone was reached for all aircraft operating in and out of Brisbane Airport when Gevo’s renewable jet fuel was put through the general fuel supply system. The first container of SAJF was... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 24, 2019
Danish shipping giant Maersk is now offering carbon neutral biofuel under pilot projects to customers deploying sustainable supply chain solutions. According to Maersk, the biofuel is the same blend of used cooking oil that has already been tested and validated in a trial with the Dutch Sustainability Growth Coalition and Shell, carried out earlier this year. H&M Group... [Read More]

Policy News
Jun 19, 2019
Last week, US Senators Deb Fischer and Tammy Duckworth introduced the Renewable Fuel Standard Integrity Act 2019, which addresses timing and transparency issues related to the small refinery exemption (SRE) programme under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The bipartisan bill would set a deadline for refiners to submit petitions for exemptions for the RFS to ensure that... [Read More]

Other News
Jun 19, 2019
Plant cell walls contain a renewable, nearly limitless supply of sugar that can be used in the production of chemicals and biofuels. However, retrieving these sugars isn't all that easy. Imidazolium ionic liquid (IIL) solvents are one of the best sources for extracting sugars from plants. But the sugars from IIL-treated biomass are inevitably contaminated with residual... [Read More]

Jun 19, 2019
Enerkem’s waste-to-biofuel technology chemically recycles carbon molecules in waste into added-value products Imagine giving your living room a makeover using a bright new coat of paint – made from rubbish. Fiction? Not anymore. As countries around the world look for ways to transition from a linear economy – in which we take, make, use and dispose –... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Jun 19, 2019
An international group of researchers has developed a two-step method to more efficiently break down carbohydrates into single sugar components, an essential process in the production of green fuel. Led by scientists at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) in Japan, the researchers published their results in April in the American Chemical Society Journey,... [Read More]

Jun 18, 2019
What you need to know now about Low Carbon Fuel Standards verifications Understanding the changes to California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS) verification process is important for all ethanol and biodiesel producers, even if you do not currently sell fuels in California. Several other regions around the world are in various stages of planning to incorporate... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 18, 2019
Jan De Nul Group has announced its commitment to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 15% per year during maintenance dredging works at the Nieuwpoort marina in Belgium. Under a collaboration with the Flemish government, the company also intends to include a minimum requirement of 15% CO2 reduction in 80% of maintenance dredging contracts in Flanders by 2020. With... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Jun 14, 2019
Sapp Brothers Petroleum has added a 30,000 gallon biodiesel tank to its facility in Sioux City, Iowa, enabling wholesale buyers to purchase the fuel and sell it on to customers at gas stations, Siouxland News reports. "It's a green product, so it's a cleaner burning fuel, obviously the stock that makes this biodiesel is predominantly made out of soybeans which are locally... [Read More]

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