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Nov 28, 2017
‘Stitching together’ bacteria for better biofuel production
Bioethanol News
Nov 28, 2017
Brazil’s Union of Sugarcane Industry (Unica) has issued a harvest update for the country’s South-Central region from April to 16 November.
Brazil’s sugarcane crush for the 2017-18 harvest was down 1.61% from April to 16 November, 2017, compared to the same period a year ago, totalling 552.948 tonnes, according to figures from Unica.
Total ethanol production... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 28, 2017
The European Parliament’s energy committee ITRE has adopted changes to the EU’s renewable energy directive (RED) to include a new binding 35% green energy target for 2030 as well as a new set of principles on future financial support to renewable energy sources.
Spanish S&D member José Blanco López, who is responsible for steering the... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Nov 28, 2017
Argentina’s energy ministry has partially backtracked on a price cut on ethanol introduced earlier this month for refiners who mix the biofuel into gasoline at a 12% ratio, according to Hellenic Shipping News.
The price cut has been shaved to 7.5% from 15% for sugarcane-derived ethanol, and to 10.5% from 21.1% for supplies made from corn, the ministry said in a resolution... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Nov 29, 2017
Brazil’s lower house of Congress has given the green light to a bill to set up a programme to beef up the country's biofuels industry, according to a report in Reuters.
The programme, called RenovaBio, will give fuel distributors in Brazil targets to cut carbon emissions, which they will meet by selling increasing volumes of ethanol and biodiesel over the coming... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Nov 29, 2017
100 members of the US National Biodiesel Board (NBB) headed to Washington DC on 28 November to participate in the biannual ‘fly-in' to the country’s capital. According to a statement, NBB members plan to ‘storm the hill’ to encourage the reinstatement of the biodiesel tax credit that expired in December 2016.
The NBB is the US trade association... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 29, 2017
Biomass and waste derived fuels contributed 2% of total US electricity generation in 2016, according to figures recently released by the Energy Information Administration (EIA).
The EIA figures, included in its recently released annual electric power data, reveal that biomass and waste fuels produced 71.4 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2016. EIA defines biomass... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 29, 2017
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has used one of its modelling scenarios to predict that bioenergy will provide nearly 17% of final global energy demand in 2060, compared with 4.5% in 2015.
In its latest Technology Roadmap, entitled ‘Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy’, the IEA provides the technology milestones and policy actions needed to unlock the potential... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Dec 1, 2017
US ethanol producer United Ethanol will use a modular membrane system at its plant in Milton, Wisconsin, to boost production. According to a statement, the bolt-on system from Whitefox Technologies will increase the annual production capacity of the facility to over 60 million gallons by freeing up capacity in the distillation-dehydration section.
As well as increasing... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 1, 2017
Major US biofuel trade associations have responded to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement on final required volume obligations (RVOs) under the Renewable Fuel Standard.
EPA has set a total renewable fuel blending obligation of 19.29 gallons, of which 4.29 billion gallons should be advanced biofuels including 288 million gallons of cellulosic... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 15, 2017
CPL Industries, a well-known manufacturer and supplier of smokeless fuels and other carbon‐based products, has announced plans to install a commercial‐scale HTC facility at its production site in Immingham, North Lincolnshire, UK.
This facility, scheduled to begin production in mid‐2018, will be the first commercial‐scale example of this technology, developed by... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Nov 15, 2017
CRI/Criterion Catalyst Company (CRIUK) has awarded an FEL-2 license agreement for the IH2* technology which converts biomass to liquid transportation fuels, to Biozin Holding AS (BZH).
CRI is a global catalyst company wholly owned by Royal Dutch Shell. It operates research laboratories, development facilities, manufacturing plants and business units throughout the world.... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 16, 2017
Britain’s power supply is now the seventh cleanest in the world after climbing 13 places in a global league table, according to a new Electric Insights report.
The report was produced by researchers at Imperial College London, who in collaboration with power giant Drax, compared the carbon content of electricity supplies across various large countries between... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Nov 16, 2017
American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE), a US bioethanol trade body, has announced the first two in a series of fuel marketer-focused videos on the website, part of a campaign to feature real world E15 and flex fuel retailer success stories.
The series will address common marketer questions about E15 and flex fuels with straightforward answers... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 16, 2017
Giant clams in the Indian and Pacific Oceans could provide insights into improving biofuel production processes, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) are claiming.
Alison Sweeney, an assistant professor of physics in the Penn School of Arts and Sciences, and her collaborator Shu Yang, a professor of materials science and engineering at Penn’s School... [Read More]