Feb 17, 2021
University research reveals benefits of corn ethanol
Bioethanol News
Feb 17, 2021
Whitefox Technologies has revealed that BGW is to install its ICE® membrane dehydration system. It will be installed at BGW’s 108 million litres per year plant in Rąbczyn, Poland. The project involves installing the Whitefox system designed to produce up to 400,000 litres per day of anhydrous ethanol. The project is under construction and is due to start up towards... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 16, 2021
GoodShipping is collaborating with liner operator Ocean Network Express (ONE) to advance the uptake of biofuel-driven carbon reduction services. In a recent trial with ONE, the 4,803 TEU MOL EXPERIENCE was refuelled with sustainable marine biofuel at the Port of Rotterdam while carrying cargo for GoodShipping. Supplied by GoodShipping’s sister company GoodFuels, the... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 16, 2021
Essential Energy USA Corp has revealed plans to build a new biorefinery in South America for the production of renewable diesel. The company is a leading biofuel producer in South America and, subject to the client’s final investment decision, the biorefinery will produce 200,000 tonnes per year of high-quality renewable diesel from advanced bio-feedstocks. NextChem... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 16, 2021
Ingenza has been awarded two Innovate UK Sustainable Innovation Fund grants amounting to £232,000 (€266,000). The first grant will allow Ingenza to invest in the commercialisation of production technology targeting the bioethanol yeast market, which is worth over £300 million (€344 million) a year globally. This project is based on REDOX chemistry manipulation... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 15, 2021
The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) is calling on the National Biofuels Board (NBB) to raise the Coco Methyl Ester (CME) content of biodiesel sold in the domestic market to 5%. The present blend of biodiesel currently in the country consists of 2% CME and 98% regular diesel. “The increase could effectively support our coconut farmers and farmworkers whose livelihoods... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 15, 2021
A new facility that will convert non-recyclable household waste into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for use by airlines operating at UK airports is to be built. Essar Oil is joining forces with Fulcrum BioEnergy and Essar’s subsidiary company Stanlow Terminals Limited in the project. Plans for Fulcrum NorthPoint are expected to be complete at the end of this year... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 15, 2021
The Iowa state legislature introduced new legislation to move the US state to overall higher biofuel blends. This includes offering E15 statewide by 2025 and updating the E15 promotion tax credit to $0.03 per gallon year-round. It is estimated that over the first five years, the legislation would increase ethanol demand by over 117 million gallons. Growth Energy CEO... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 12, 2021
Europe’s aviation sector has unveiled its new sustainability initiative Destination 2050 – A Route to Net Zero European Aviation. The new plan provides a vision and path for meaningful CO2 emission reduction efforts in Europe and globally. According to the report, there is an opportunity to reach net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 through a combination of four key... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 12, 2021
Brazilian state-controlled company Petroleo Brasileiro, or Petrobras, has concluded the sale of a 50% stake in biodiesel plants’ operator BSBios. Petrobras' wholly-owned unit Petrobras Biocombustivel SA (PBio) shed its entire interest to RP Participacoes em Biocombustiveis SA (RPBio), which already owns the other 50%. The transaction has been valued at €49.3 million.... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 12, 2021
Repsol has successfully produced the first batch of biofuel for aviation at its industrial complex in Tarragona in Spain. Production of this biojet fuel took place at the Repsol Industrial Complex and more batches of biofuel for aviation will be manufactured at the group’s other industrial complexes in Spain. The batch manufactured consists of 10,000 tonnes of aviation... [Read More]

Policy News
Feb 11, 2021
Shell has set out its strategy to accelerate its transformation into a provider of net zero emissions energy products and services. The global oil company confirmed that its total carbon emissions peaked in 2018 and oil production peaked in 2019. “Our accelerated strategy will drive down carbon emissions and will deliver value for our shareholders, our customers and... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 11, 2021
Growth Energy has welcomed the introduction of legislation to fast-track infrastructure investments designed to open new markets for higher ethanol blends like E15. The Renewable Fuel Infrastructure Investment and Market Expansion Act would authorise $500 million (€411 million) over five years for infrastructure grants, building on successful programmes like the US... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Feb 11, 2021
Malaysia will discuss with Indonesia a plan to formulate the best strategy to protect the oil palm industry of both countries for the future. Malaysia’s Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has called for the framework of the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) to be strengthened to protect the common interests of both countries. THE European Union is... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 10, 2021
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released the latest information regarding ethanol exports for the last 12 months. The USDA revealed that 1.334 billion gallons were exported in 2020 - down 9.8% from 2019 and hovering around 2017 levels. Canada took over as the top export market for US ethanol, with 326.4 million gallons (mg) for the year. The country continues... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 10, 2021
Neste’s renewable products helped customers in several geographic markets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10 million tonnes. The company said the method used to calculate emission reduction complied with the EU Renewable Energy Directive. This amount equalled the annual carbon footprint of 1.5 million average EU citizens, or the removal of 3.7 million passenger... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Feb 10, 2021
Finnish company Fintoil plans to build a €100 million biorefinery in Hamina. The plant has recently been granted environmental and construction permits, with construction work starting this month. This will lead to the erection of the world’s third largest crude tall oil (CTO) refinery. Fintoil is due to start its commercial operations in the summer of next year.... [Read More]

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