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May 6, 2009
EPA drafts rule to raise advanced biofuels output
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May 5, 2009
In March US biodiesel output fell sharply, fuelling calls for the release of federal regulations to require use of advanced biofuels.
The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) said production fell from 49 million gallons in March 2008 to only 30 million gallons in March 2009.
The NBB claimed that if the trend continues, US output would be only half of the 700 million gallons... [Read More]
Other News
May 5, 2009
In Vietnam, Phuc Yen Company and businessman Ngo Xuan Tiec have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) to market, build and operate municipal waste-to-ethanol facilities in the country.
The newly created joint venture Agresti Vietnam, a subsidiary of Agresti Biofuel, will employ the patented GeneSyst Gravity Pressure Vessel technology to produce ethanol and other saleable... [Read More]
Other News
May 6, 2009
With less than a month to go before the 2nd Biofuels International expo & conference in Amsterdam there are over 200 companies registered to attend the two day conference and exhibition.
Companies registered include Shell Global Solutions, Total, Neste Oil, EcoPetrol, Standic, Mercuria Energy Trading, Oiltanking, Royal Vopak, Swedish Energy Agency, TNO, Solvay solexis,... [Read More]
Other News
May 7, 2009
Switzerland's first bioethanol refinery could soon be built in Jura canton if authorities there approve a planning application for the project.
The €66.42 million plant in Delémont, western Switzerland, if approved could produce almost 100,000 tonnes of fuel and 30,000 tonnes of pharmaceutical-grade alcohol annually.
Switzerland has some of the most stringent... [Read More]
Other News
May 7, 2009
The German and Polish governments have agreed an alliance for cooperation on the development of bioenergy feedstocks, after a meeting between the Polish Minister for Agriculture Marek Sawicki and German Agricultural Minister Ilse Aigner.
The move establishes Bio-GEPOIT, a task force group that will be coordinated by the Polish Research Institute of Construction, Mechanics... [Read More]
Other News
May 8, 2009
US Biofuels and Go Green Home Stores have come together to plan the construction of an algae biodiesel plant in Rosemont, California.
New American company, Go Green Home Stores has partnered with US Biofuels to, start up algae production in mid fall in order to produce 500,000 gallons of biodiesel gas.
The two companies plan to produce algae to make oil that can be... [Read More]
Other News
May 8, 2009
President Barrack Obama issued a presidential directive to the US Secretary of Agriculture to form an interagency biofuels group to aggressively accelerate the investment in and production of biofuels.
Directive aims to make the biofuels industry cleaner and encourage output of ethanol made from non-food crops.
The Biofuels Interagency Working Group, to be headed... [Read More]
Other News
May 8, 2009
AgStar Financial Services’ lending group has announced that Carbon Green BioEnergy has entered into an agreement to purchase the Woodbury, Michigan, US, ethanol plant.
The AgStar lending group recently bought the 40mgy plant following the bankruptcy of its former owners VeraSun Energy. The purchase represents the first direct ownership of ethanol production for Chicago-based... [Read More]
Other News
May 8, 2009
Plantation Energy, Australia’s largest manufacturer and exporter of Densified Biomass Fuel (DBF) pellets, has announced the signing of a three year €39 million supply agreement with Belgium-based Electrabel NV.
The agreement between Plantation Energy and Electrabel, a subsidiary of Europe’s largest power company GdF-Suez, is the first of its kind in Australia that... [Read More]
Other News
May 8, 2009
Süd-Chemie, a leading manufacturer of catalysts and adsorbents, and a leading global company in the sector of gases and engineering, the Linde Group, have launched the production of climate-friendly biofuels based on lignocellulosic biomass in Munich.
The process developed by Süd-Chemie and Linde allows biofuels, such as ethanol, to be extracted from plant matter containing... [Read More]
Other News
May 11, 2009
Canadian Pacific Railway and Global Partners are proposing a $14.8 million (€10.8 million) ethanol storage and distribution facility along the Hudson River.
The facility would be based at Global's distribution terminal on the Hudson River just north of the Port of Albany, and adjacent to CP's Kenwood intermodal yards.
The companies are seeking $8.8 million... [Read More]
Other News
May 11, 2009
Indonesia's palm-based biodiesel firms await a fair price formula and government subsidies to survive as they feel the squeeze of surging palm oil prices.
The fledgling industry is expected to play a key role in absorbing growing palm output in world's top producer, but as feedstock prices become more expensive than fossil oils, it is difficult for the industry... [Read More]
Other News
May 11, 2009
US President Barack Obama has proven his support for the biomass and biofuel industries by providing nearly $800 million (€588 million) in funding and forming a market development programme.
The new funding will be allocated under the directive of the US Department Of Energy biomass programme across four main areas which include $480 million (€353 million) to the... [Read More]
Other News
May 12, 2009
Mississippi, US-based Encore Energy Systems has announced that five new biofuel facilities have been targeted for acquisition.
Of the five production facilities, four of them are located in Mississippi with the other facility in Texas.
Fuel distribution and feedstock allocations have been located for these projects and will be further announced when shipping commences.... [Read More]