May 3, 2017
Singapore Airlines takes off with biofuel-powered flights
Other News
May 2, 2017
The Swedish Bioenergy Association, Svebio, is organising the 2nd edition of the advanced biofuels conference. It will take place in Gothenburg, Sweden, from 17-19 May. The conference is intended for those who are interested in creating a sustainable transport sector. Speakers and delegates will be policy makers and politicians, leading scientists, researchers, engineers,... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
May 2, 2017
The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) has announced that it submitted a public comment focused on its ethanol priorities soon after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formally began seeking input on existing regulations to be reviewed by its newly established Regulatory Reform Task Force. The Task Force was formed in response to Executive Order 13777... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
May 2, 2017
US advanced biofuels producer Renewable Energy Group (REG) has announced that it has secured financing of up to $20 million (€18.3 million) from First Midwest Bank for the $24 million capacity-expansion project at the company’s Ralston, Iowa biodiesel refinery. The upgrade project, announced last November, is expected to increase the annual nameplate capacity... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
May 2, 2017
Pacific Biodiesel Technologies has hosted a Hawaiian blessing to mark the beginning of the company’s scaled-up farming demonstration to grow biofuel crops including sunflowers in Maui's central valley. The initial crop project on 115 acres will expand diversified agriculture by growing combine-harvested oil crops on land previously used for sugar cane production.... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Apr 28, 2017
Nebraska-based, US ethanol producer Green Plains has announced that its subsidiary, Green Plains Cattle Company, has entered into an asset purchase agreement to acquire two cattle-feeding operations from Cargill for $36.7 million (€33.6m), excluding working capital. The transaction includes feed yards located in Leoti, Kansas and Yuma, Colorado and will add capacity... [Read More]

Other News
Apr 27, 2017
A new biodiesel tax credit bill has been introduced to the US Senate. The bill would extend the clean-fuel tax credit incentive for US producers of bio-fuels by three years. Supported by 16 senators, the bill’s lead sponsor is Iowa senator Chuck Grassley. Iowa is the US' biggest bio-diesel producer, and the industry supports around 4,000 jobs in the state, generating... [Read More]

Other News
Apr 27, 2017
Compared to a year ago macroeconomic outlook globally has significantly improved, but the political risks have increased, an economics expert said at the S&P Global Platts EU Biofuels Seminar. Jean-Michel Six, managing director and chief European economist at S & P Global Rating, made the statement during his presentation entitled ‘Global macroeconomics and... [Read More]

Other News
Apr 25, 2017
The CEO of Gevo will speak at Biofuels International 2017. Patrick Gruber is the CEO of Gevo and has served as a director of the company since 2007. Previously, he was the president and CEO of Outlast Technologies Inc., a technology and marketing company primarily serving the textile industry. In 1997, Dr. Gruber co-founded NatureWorks, LLC (formerly Cargill Dow, LLC),... [Read More]

Other News
Apr 24, 2017
The price of Malaysian palm oil has hit its lowest value in eight months, according to Nikkei Asian Review. The falling price has been triggered by an expectation of rising palm oil production. Good weather conditions in major palm oil exporting countries mean there is a good chance the trend will continue. Malaysian palm oil futures dropped to around 2,490 ringgit ($566,... [Read More]

Other News
Apr 24, 2017
Children in the UAE have been recycling cooking oil to make biofuels as part of a new initiative. The programme was set up by the Blue waste management company in Dubai, and involves pupils of all ages, from kindergarten to teenagers. According to the National UAE, Delhi Private School in Sharjah has already collected an impressive 162 litres of used cooking oil as part... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Apr 24, 2017
The US National Biodiesel Board (NBB) is to argue before the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia regarding the 2014-2016 Renewable Fuels Standards (RFS) statute. The NBB’s case will be presented on the morning of 24 April, at the Circuit E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse, in Washington DC. NBB argues that advanced biofuel requirements in the Renewable... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Apr 21, 2017
Falling oil prices mean it is no longer viable to produce biofuels in Mozambique, according to an official with the country’s Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy. In an interview with the Mozambican newspaper O País, the ministry’s deputy national director of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Almirante Dima, described the production of biofuels from... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Apr 21, 2017
The first US-Indonesia municipal waste-to-bioproducts project, known as JababECO, is officially underway after US vice president Mike Pence participated in a ceremony in Jakarta celebrating the signing of multiple Memorandums of Understanding. Indonesian vice president Jusuf Kalla, Greenbelt Resources CEO Darren Eng and Jababeka Infrastruktur director Tjahjadi Rahardja... [Read More]

Other News
Apr 20, 2017
A Japanese research team has revealed the oil synthesis mechanism in microalgae cells, a discovery which could aid in the development of biofuels. The amount of biomass on earth is approximately ten times the amount of energy currently consumed on the planet, and half of that biomass grows in aquatic environments, according to a University of Kobe press release. Ocean... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Apr 20, 2017
Enerkem, a Canadian waste-to-biofuels and renewable chemicals producer, has received the lowest carbon intensity value ever issued by the British Colombia Ministry of Energy and Mines. The award was given for Enerkem’s second generation ethanol product, under the Renewable and Low Carbon Fuel Requirements Regulation. The carbon intensity of Enerkem’s waste-based... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Apr 20, 2017
One of the first Iowa cities to offer E10 is now offering its first E15 station, according to the Iowa Renewables Fuel Association. Clarence made history in 1978 when the first gallons of E10 in the US were sold commercially. It was one of five towns to introduce the new fuel at a local gas station. Nearly 40 years later, that same town is getting its first E15 refueling... [Read More]

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