Oct 23, 2017
New traffic pollution charge hits London
Biodiesel News
Oct 20, 2017
New York City’s Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS NYC) is ‘pushing back’ against proposed changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which it labels in a statement ‘threats to reduce environmental standards’. On 19 October DCAS NYC submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protesting any roll-back... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 20, 2017
Renewable fuels company Velocys has confirmed the location for its first biorefinery in the US. The company has signed a site option agreement with Adams County in the State of Mississippi for the new facility to be built in the city of Natchez. Adams County has offered Velocys economic incentives estimated to be worth the equivalent of $42 million (€35.8 million).... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 19, 2017
Member states of the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO) have agreed on a new 2050 Vision for sustainable aviation fuels, which will help to ensure that conventional jet fuels are substituted with sustainable alternatives ‘to a significant percentage’ by 2050. The decision was formalised on 13 October at the Second ICAO Conference on Aviation and... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Oct 18, 2017
New ethanol market developments, legislation and trading were just some of the themes analysed at this year’s Argus Biofuels conference. The conference, which is taking place in London at the Jumeirah Carlton Tower over three days, focused on the topic of ethanol on 17 October, 2017. Mark Chesworth, CEO at UK-based bioethanol producer Vivergo Fuels, gave an overview... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 17, 2017
The US Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture has awarded a five-year grant worth up to $15 million to the University of Arizona (UA) to lead a new centre focusing on the mass production of biofuels and bioproducts in the Southwestern US. According to a statement from UA, the goals of the new Sustainable Bioeconomy for Arid Regions... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Oct 17, 2017
Four Republican governors have sent a letter to US President Trump expressing concern over the changes recently proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency to the US’s Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). “The renewable fuels industry in our states, and others, is poised to grow if the EPA sends positive and consistent market signals through increases in the... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Oct 16, 2017
A general ban on palm oil in biofuels in Europe punishes the wrong producers while having little impact on reducing deforestation, according to Jaboury Ghazoul, a professor of ecosystem management at ETH Zurich. He claims in an article published by the university that banning palm oil actually blocks good practice. In April 2017, the European Parliament voted to ban the... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Oct 16, 2017
Through increased use of biofuels in the transport sector, Uruguay has achieved a 7% annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, according to a statement from the South American country’s government. In addition to using biodiesel and bioethanol as a substitute for gasoil and naphtha, emissions are reduced by 60-70%. The figures come from a study commissioned by... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 13, 2017
 Alkol Biotech has been selected as a finalist for the 2017 edition of the Global Energy Awards. The prize, created by Platts, has been running yearly since 1999 and honours organisations and individuals who are dedicated to achieving excellence in the energy industry. Platts receives more than 200 nominations each year: nominations have come from more than 25 countries... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 13, 2017
Qantas has announced that its Los Angeles based aircraft will be powered by biofuels from 2020, in a bid to reduce the airline’s carbon emissions on its US to Australia services. Over the next ten years, Qantas will purchase eight million gallons (30 million litres) of renewable jet fuel each year from US based biofuel producer SG Preston. The fuels will be used... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Oct 13, 2017
Scientists have gained new insight into the functioning of hydrolytic enzymes, in a study that could pave the way to more competitive biofuels. The current technical complexity and costs of obtaining biofuels from biomass restrict their cheap, efficient and sustainable production. At a time when oil prices are at record lows, this is hindering their ability to compete... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Oct 13, 2017
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved Flint Hills Resources’ registration of its 100 million gallons per year Iowa-based ethanol plant. The plant will use Edeniq’s technology. Flint Hills Resources’ Iowa Falls plant is the fifth existing ethanol plant to receive approval from the EPA for cellulosic ethanol production using Edeniq’s... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 12, 2017
Concerns remain over the safety of rail to transport energy liquids and gases, according to a newly published report. The research from the US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine argues that both pipeline and maritime transportation have a more comprehensive safety system in place than rail road transportation. Long-distance transportation of domestically... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Oct 12, 2017
China has lowered its forecasts for its corn output, according to news agency Xinhua Net. The news agency reported that China’s output will now be 210 million tonnes in the 2017/18 crop year, down 2.37 million tonnes from predictions made last month. According to Xinhua, a committee from the Ministry of Agriculture ( MOA) also raised forecasts on industrial consumption... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 12, 2017
A plan for cutting carbon emissions while growing the economy has been released by the UK government. ‘The Clean Growth Strategy: Leading the way to a low carbon future’ has been published by Greg Clark, the UK’s Business and Energy Secretary. It highlights progress already made in the UK towards a low carbon economy, while also setting out how the ‘whole... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 12, 2017
Paris is planning to “banish” all non-electric cars by 2030, ten years earlier than the rest of France, according to an article by Reuters. Petrol and diesel fuelled cars will have all disappeared from the city by 2030, Paris City Hall has said. Earlier this year, the French government set a target date of 2040 for the phase out of all cars that are dependent... [Read More]

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