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Nov 19, 2008
Raven targets ethanol biorefinery
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Nov 28, 2008
Ineos Enterprises has postponed plans to build a £65 million (€77.6 million) biodiesel plant in Scotland, UK, due to unfavourable economic conditions. The plant, to be located in Grangemouth near Falkirk, had a nameplate capacity of 500,000 tonnes. Market volatility has led the company to return a £9 million grant which had been allocated by the Scottish government... [Read More]

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Nov 28, 2008
Stratos Renewables, an agro-energy company developing a South American sugarcane ethanol operation, has secured sufficient land in the northern coastal region of Peru required for the production of up to 90 million gallons a year of sugarcane-based ethanol. Stratos intends to use this land for extensive sugarcane cultivation, milling and distillation into ethanol primarily... [Read More]

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Nov 28, 2008
The government of South Korea has announced plans to increase the biodiesel blend ratio from its current level of 1% to 3% by 2012. In an effort to meet these targets, the government has extended industry tax breaks and has taken steps to increase local feedstock production to minimise import dependency, according to a report by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)... [Read More]

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Nov 28, 2008
Norway-based biofuels firm ScanFuel is due to begin a jatropha-based biodiesel production project outside Ghana's second largest city. ScanFuel expects to start commercial operations in Kumasi, Ghana, early in 2009, producing 5,000 barrels a day of crude oil equivalent by 2015. ScanFuel's operation will plant 10,000 hectares of the high oil-yielding jatropha... [Read More]

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Nov 28, 2008
A new joint venture between a unit of Kawasaki Heavy Industries and an agricultural public corporation led by the prefectural government of Akita in northern Japan is the country’s third waste to ethanol project. The projects, making ethanol from farm waste with subsidies, will pay for building and running of plants totalling about €24.8 million over 5 years. The... [Read More]

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Nov 28, 2008
Renewable energy company Principle Energy plans to start building a $290 million (€224 million) bioethanol plant in Mozambique in 2009. Principle Energy, in which London-listed fund manager Principle Capital has a stake, raised $70 million towards the project in 2007. To date this year it has held back from raising a targeted $90 million due to adverse market conditions. 'Seeing... [Read More]

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Nov 28, 2008
Italian oil refiner Saras plans to start up a 200,000 tonne biodiesel plant in Cartagena, Spain, in December. The plant will use various vegetable oils as feedstock. The refiner has estimated investment in the plant at €35 million. Spain is due to introduce a 2.5% compulsory target for biofuels share in total car fuel use next year and raise it to 3.9% in 2010. That... [Read More]

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Nov 28, 2008
Poet, the US' largest ethanol producer, is engaging in buyout talks with a number of ethanol companies. Several US ethanol companies have encountered financial battles brought on by volatile market conditions. VeraSun Energy, the second largest US producer, sought bankruptcy protection on 31 October after it suffered significant losses in Q3 due to a dramatic rise... [Read More]

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Nov 28, 2008
US-based Blackhawk Biofuels has opened a 45 million gallon a year biodiesel plant in Danville, Illinois. The plant on the Indiana border will manufacture biodiesel from vegetable oil. Blackhawk expects the plant to sell biodiesel by the end of the year. The company bought the plant just before Biofuels Company of America completed construction. In early March, Blackhawk... [Read More]

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Nov 28, 2008
US-based GreenHunter BioFuels, a wholly-owned subsidiary of GreenHunter Energy, has initiated start-up of biodiesel production at the company's biodiesel refinery in Houston following repairs and recovery from Hurricane Ike. GreenHunter's biodiesel refinery, one of the country's largest, located along the Shipping Channel in Houston, Texas, sustained a... [Read More]

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Dec 3, 2008
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DoE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Brazil-based energy company Petrobras have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate for two years on research to accelerate the development and commercialisation of second-generation biofuels. Research will be conducted jointly at NREL’s laboratory in Golden, Colorado, and in... [Read More]

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Dec 3, 2008
The European Commission (EC) is contemplating new rules for biofuels by the end of 2010 to prevent production from causing destruction to rainforests. Environmentalists have criticised the Commission's initial January proposals to instill 10% of all road transport fuel derived from renewable sources by 2020. Of that 10% biofuels would play a key part, stoking the... [Read More]

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Dec 3, 2008
The Oiltanking Vitória terminal in Brazil has loaded 5,000 m3 cargo of neutral grade ethanol into its first vessel, Fairchem Unicorn. Loading was conducted in close cooperation with representatives of LASA, Bauche-Energy and SGS. Oiltanking Vitória functions as a distribution and export hub for cargos moving through Brazil, the world’s leading and most competitive... [Read More]

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Dec 3, 2008
France is preparing a national plan for renewable energy, which has set aside any assessment of the EU's biofuels draft directive to generate a 10% share of biofuels in transport by 2020. France's Environment and Energy Minister Jean-Louis Borloo offered the national plan for renewable energies on 17 November. The plan aims to bring the share of renewables... [Read More]

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