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Jan 23, 2012
CARB calls for stay on injunction for low carbon fuel standard
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Jan 23, 2012
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has formed a $25 million (€19 million) partnership with Fiberight, money which will be put towards building a new biofuels plant in Blairstown, Iowa. The facility will convert waste into biofuels, producing six million gallons a year when the plant comes online in the first half of next year. Fiberight is spending $20 million... [Read More]

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Jan 24, 2012
DSM and POET have joined forces to convert  a facility into its first commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol plant in the US, which will be based in Emmetsburg, Iowa. The POET-DSM Advanced Biofuels joint venture will produce 20 million gallons of ethanol in the first year, growing to about 25 million gallons the year following. The plant is due to come online in the... [Read More]

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Jan 26, 2012
Following major reviews, reversals and amendments of government policies over the past 18 months, biofuels in Australia should now be able to look to the future with more certainty and support As with most other countries promoting renewable fuels, targeted policies and support from federal and state governments are critical components for determining the transport fuel... [Read More]

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Jan 26, 2012
Middle Eastern airline Etihad Airways has flown its first biofuels flight from Seattle to Dubai, using a Boeing 777-300ER. The airline is the first to operate such as flight around the Gulf and the fuel was supplied by SkyNRG, which is an Amsterdam-based sustainable jet fuel supplier. From the factory to the plane, the fuel was delivered with the help of SkyNRG’s... [Read More]

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Jan 27, 2012
Construction has begun on the Hairy Hill biorefinery in Canada which is to turn farmers’ grain into ethanol whilst at the same time producing power for the grid. The construction marks the second phase of the development, which already features a biogas plant that produces 1MW for the power grid from manure and other waste. That facility is expected to cost about... [Read More]

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Jan 27, 2012
In order to discover better ways to harvest, store and transport corn residue, DuPont is working with Iowa State University to combat residue buildup. If the residue buildup is able to be reduced then stand establishment concerns when the next crop is grown can be avoided. A second benefit is that nitrogen tie-up caused by residues can be reduced. At the moment, some farmers... [Read More]

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Jan 30, 2012
The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) has provided bioenergy company Vaskiluodon Voima Oy with €18 million to build a gasification plant in Vaasa, Finland. The total project cost is expected to be about €40 million. The facility will produce 140MW and is to be connected to a power plant that is already established, allowing for the coal from the old plant to be substituted... [Read More]

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Jan 31, 2012
Bioenergy company ZeaChem has been awarded a $232.5 million (€176 million) loan guarantee from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to build a biorefinery that will convert biomass into sustainable fuels and chemicals. It will be the company’s first commercial size cellulosic biorefinery and will use woody biomass and agricultural residues to produce... [Read More]

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Jan 31, 2012
Scientists from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Sustainable Bioenergy Centre (BSBEC) have uncovered a series of genes which could help grasses being breed with better characteristics for bioenergy production. The genes help to better develop the wood part of the grass, called the fibrous, such as what is in rice and wheat. In understanding... [Read More]

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Jan 31, 2012
VTT, a company working at developing Vietnam’s solid biomass fuel resources on an industrial level as part of the Energy and Environment Partnership Programme run by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, is to create multi-fuel delivery chains for power plants and industrial boilers. The programme will make sure biomass fuels are available all year round through... [Read More]

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Feb 1, 2012
A new technology has been developed at the University of Sheffield in the UK which uses microbubbles to harvest and remove water from algae for biofuel production. Algae produces oils which can be used to create biodiesel but water needs to be removed from the algae first in order to do so. Using the microbubble system is an inexpensive way to do this. The process works... [Read More]

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Feb 2, 2012
A US senator has called for congress to do more to support development in technology and biofuels incentives during a briefing at the White House. Senator Chris Coons spoke at an American Chemical Society briefing, saying that biofuels production was essential for the future of the US economy. ‘This was a great starting point as a concrete forum to look at how we... [Read More]

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Feb 2, 2012
Pond Biofuels is developing a new algae growth system that will use CO₂ emissions from smoke stacks to grow biomass, which can then be converted into biodiesel, bioplastics or act as a substitute for renewable coal. With support from the Ontario, Canada province, Pond Biofuels aims to get a full scale commercial facility into operation at St Marys Cement by 2014. About... [Read More]

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Feb 3, 2012
Finnish paper producer UPM is to build a biorefinery that will produce biofuels from crude tall oil derived from pulp in Lappeenranta, Finland. The facility will be commercial size and produce about 100,000 tonnes of biodiesel a year to be used as vehicle fuel. The biodiesel is called BioVerno and produces 80% less greenhouse gases than traditional fossil fuels. Construction... [Read More]

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