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May 7, 2014
US Court of Appeals upholds 2013 RFS
Other News
May 7, 2014
An oil storage terminal in the south of France is soon to become the country's first dedicated biodiesel hub on the Mediterranean coast.
DPPLN Terminal, located between Montpellier and Barcelona, is being converted to exclusively handle biodiesel in line with European regulations which foresee continuously evolving biodiesel incorporation requirements.
The 45,000m3 facility... [Read More]
Other News
May 8, 2014
A previously bankrupt $52.5 million (€38 million) biodiesel plant in Beatrice, Nebraska, will begin production again by summer 2015.
Duonix, a joint venture between Wichita, Kansas-based Flint Hills Resources and Irving, Texas-based Benefuel, has begun assessing the preparation needed to install Benefuel's patented production process at the plant.
The company announced... [Read More]
Other News
May 8, 2014
Syngar Technologies has started two separate joint venture projects that will, together, help make the conversion of hemp to cellulosic ethanol a possibility.
Syngar Technologies has licensed its Pulsed Low Ultra Sound Wave (PLUSWave) Technology, which uses ultrasound frequencies to stimulate the fermentation growth of algae, bacteria, and fungus or yeast microorganisms... [Read More]
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May 9, 2014
Brazil and Angola are teaming up to construct Angola Bio-Energy's new ethanol plant.
The project, implemented for the first time in Angola, will produce approximately 260,000 tonnes of sugar and 30 million litres of ethanol, through sugarcane.
The factory has capacity to use 2 million tonnes of sugarcane per year. To date, 7,000 hectares of sugarcane have been planted... [Read More]
Other News
May 9, 2014
Researchers believe catalysts could improve the biofuels production process.
The deoxygenation of biomass such as corn stover or forestry waste could create a significant development in the production of biofuels.
Oils produced by high-temperature treatment of these waste materials contain a large amount of oxygenated compounds that lead to undesirable properties such... [Read More]
Other News
May 9, 2014
Construction of an $800 million (€580 million) crude oil tank farm proposed by Petroplex over six years ago finally looks to be going ahead in Louisiana, US, thanks to the St. James Parish Council.
The project, which includes a terminal on the Mississippi River, has received a waiver from St. James Parish's newly adopted land use plan that will allow it to proceed... [Read More]
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May 12, 2014
Agro EcoEnergy has invested $550 million (€400 million) in sugarcane farming for an ethanol project.
The subsidiary of Swedish based EcoEnergy Africa AB has set up a special purpose project company, Bagamoyo EcoEnergy, to develop a modern sugarcane plantation and factory that produces sugar, ethanol and power for the Tanzanian market.
The project is estimated to provide... [Read More]
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Apr 14, 2014
The Veracruz government will open its first ethanol producing biofuel station.
The fuel station is expected to provide biofuel for public transportation, according to Ossiel Castro de la Rosa, the director of the Bioenergy Institute of Veracruz.
Several donors will present the organisation with a combined total of 240 million pesos (€13 million) in funding.
'We have... [Read More]
Other News
Apr 15, 2014
The ethanol industry is expecting to export a record amount of ethanol in 2014, reports Nebraska Ethanol Board.
As low carbon fuel standards continue to be implemented worldwide, this increases the ongoing demand for ethanol. Though this increase helps US ethanol producers ensure maximum profit by having an alternative method for selling, local experts are concerned about... [Read More]
Other News
Apr 15, 2014
Pacific Ethanol is reopening its shuttered California plant as demand for ethanol is increasing.
Based on strengthening demand for biofuel, Pacific Ethanol intends to reopen a plant in Madera, California, after it stopped production for five years.
The plant has an annual ethanol production capacity of 40 million gallons and is expected to begin production this spring.
A... [Read More]
Other News
Apr 16, 2014
The DuPont cellulosic ethanol facility, one of the first and largest commercial-scale cellulosic biorefineries in the world, will begin ethanol production later this year.
It is expected to produce 30 million gallons of biofuel per year from corn stover.
DuPont will contract from 450 to 600 local farmers to gather, store and deliver over 375,000 dry tonnes of stover per... [Read More]
Other News
Apr 17, 2014
UN IPCC report findings confirm that while bioenergy has a significant role to play in society and although more research is needed, existing uncertainties should not prevent the pursuance of beneficial bioenergy options.
The published IPCC report, 'Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: an assessment', released as part of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report, comes as... [Read More]
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Apr 17, 2014
IncBio has delivered an 8,000MT per year biodiesel plant to Biokast Energy S.A., to be installed in Tunis, Tunisia.
The Portuguese engineering company uses its ultrasonic reactors to produce EN14214 biodiesel from used cooking oil, collected from restaurants in Tunis.
Construction of the transesterification plant is fully built, before shipping over to Tunis and requires... [Read More]
Other News
Apr 22, 2014
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez has asked Congress to eliminate some of the taxes paid by biodiesel manufacturers in a bid to support an industry affected considerably by European Union anti-dumping measures.
Argentine biodiesel exports are expected to fall as much as 39% this year compared to 2013 due to tariffs imposed by the European Union, report Argentine industry... [Read More]