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May 22, 2014
Renewable Energy buys second Geismar biorefinery
Other News
May 23, 2014
The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA) is forecasting global ethanol production and use in 2014 will reduce GHG emissions by over 106 million metric tonnes.
The GRFA in cooperation with (S&T)² Consultants released their Global Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction Forecast for 2014.
Compared to last year, this figure for 2014 shows that 90.38 billion litres... [Read More]
Other News
May 23, 2014
Drexel University will conduct research to improve knowledge on the feasibility of grease-to-biodiesel processes.
The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) has chosen the university to monitor and quantify the composition of waste greases.
The Extraction of Lipids from Wastewater to Produce Biofuels project is an evaluation of the economic and environmental sustainability... [Read More]
Other News
Apr 30, 2014
A number of states are teaming up to tackle a legal dispute over California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) at the US Supreme Court.
A group of 21 states have filed a brief, requesting the Supreme Court to review a decision made by a lower court, challenging the LCFS.
One month before this brief, The Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association filed a similar one,... [Read More]
Other News
Apr 30, 2014
Corn oil was the fastest growing feedstock for biodiesel production in 2013.
According to Joe Riley, FEC Solutions, approximately 85% of today's dry grind ethanol plants are extracting corn oil to create a new co-product and additional revenue streams.
Corn oil extraction in the ethanol-making process remains ever-popular. 'This can be done at a relatively low capital... [Read More]
Other News
Apr 30, 2014
The European Commission has selected Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant as a demonstrator multi-KETs pilot line.
Known for the development, scale-up and custom manufacturing of biobased processes and products, the Belgium-based pilot plant has recently been chosen as one of the four European demonstrator multi-KETs pilot lines.
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is best recognised for... [Read More]
Other News
May 1, 2014
CHS, an ethanol marketer, has signed an agreement to acquire Sinav's Illinois River Energy ethanol plant at Rochelle, Illinois.
The plant, which has a capacity of 133 million gallons per year, began operations in 2006.
Sinav first acquired the plant in January 2012 when it bought GTL Resources. After making a number of improvements, it put the facility up for sale in January... [Read More]
Other News
May 1, 2014
Producers of cellulosic ethanol say they can produce more of the fuel this year than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed last November.
Biofuel companies scheduled to start making cellulosic ethanol at four plants this year say the industry is finally ready to increase production numbers. They warn, however, that progress could be delayed if the EPA chooses... [Read More]
Other News
May 2, 2014
Prairie Horizon Agri-Energy’s ethanol plant in Phillipsburg, Kansas, will build a renewable diesel facility on site.
WB Services will integrate the 3 million gallon per year (MMgy) facility onto the site where the 40 MMgy plant sits.
Ron Beemiller, president and CEO of WB Services, says: ‘This plant will be the first of its kind—the first renewable... [Read More]
Other News
May 2, 2014
The Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA) predicts a surge in the amount of cane harvest that is used in ethanol production.
UNICA estimates 56% of cane processed will be used to produce fuel, up 1.66 compared to 2013/2014. As a result, ethanol production is expected to increase by 1.2%, reaching 25.87 billion litres.
A cane crush of 580 million tonnes for the... [Read More]
Other News
May 6, 2014
A Zimbabwean investor is looking to plough $500 million (€360 million) into an ethanol production plant in Kawambwa, Luapula Province, in Zambia.
Luapula Province's permanent secretary Chanda Kasolo says the 110,000 hectare sugar plantation has been delayed because of lobbying with the Ministry Mines, Energy and Water Development to issue a Statutory Instrument (SI)... [Read More]
Other News
May 6, 2014
Brazil's São Martinho, a sugar and ethanol group, has acquired Santa Cruz sugar and ethanol mill from Luiz Ometto Partcipações and other stake holders.
São Martinho is willing to pay 315.8 million reais (€101 million) over a 10-year period for 56% of Santa Cruz's capital. This will bring São Martinho's total stake in Santa Cruz... [Read More]
Other News
May 6, 2014
Experts in Mozambique are meeting to discuss strategies for producing clean energy to reduce pollution and costs in the import of fossil fuel.
Mozambique is looking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by producing ethanol from sugarcane.
Jaime Himede, the country's deputy energy minister, says: 'Biofuels are of great interest to Mozambique, the reason why the government... [Read More]
Other News
May 6, 2014
European countries will increase solid biofuels imports to 50-80 million tonnes by 2020.
The news comes as the REScoop 20-20-20 project is expected to increase energy production from renewable sources to 20% in the European Union.
The project will be implemented as a result of the modernisation of a number of existing power generation facilities and through the conversion... [Read More]
Other News
May 7, 2014
Haryana, India, has opened and started operations at the state's first ethanol plant in the Panipat Cooperative Sugar Mills.
US company, Geo Cam, has set up the plant with Panipat Cooperative Sugar Mills, which has a capacity of over 45,000 litres and 2.5 crore (€300,000) worth of modern technology.
The mills will produce ethanol for approximately 300 days of the... [Read More]