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The results below show our latest news.
Aug 13, 2020
ExxonMobil and Global Clean Energy Holdings sign agreement for renewable diesel
Bioethanol News
Aug 12, 2020
The oilseed harvest in the EU-27 is likely to see a slight rise in 2020.
The main reason for this is the bumper crop of sunflower seed.
This year’s harvest in the union is set to be larger than the two previous years.
The EU Commission estimates output at 29 million tonnes. This would translate to a rise of just under 3% year-on-year. However, production would... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Aug 12, 2020
European ethanol prices have risen to €809 cu m - the highest level since 2007.
This has surpassed the previous record high of €769 cu m in September 2012, according to figures released by S&P Global.
This was due to supply shortages in the ARA region.
In March the price hit an all-time low of €350 cu m in March as the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread rapidly... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Aug 11, 2020
The European Union is considering the use quotas to force airlines to use more sustainable aviation fuel as it seeks to reduce carbon emissions.
The European Commission said that flights within Europe had climbed every year from 2013-2019 and the sector was off track for the EU’s goal to become climate neutral by 2050.
However the COVID-19 pandemic has slashed CO2... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Aug 11, 2020
Wisconsin-based Didion has modified its ethanol production facility to meet a growing demand for high-quality industrial alcohol in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Made from locally-grown Wisconsin corn, Didion will have the capacity to produce 50 million gallons of USP grade alcohol per year and will be available in the autumn.
Didion currently produces both a high-quality... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Aug 10, 2020
RSB is turning its attention to China as part of its global drive to support the aviation industry in achieving decarbonisation through the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).
With a domestic aviation market that is predicted to be the world’s largest by 2028 and overall industry growth in the country anticipated to outpace global levels annually until at least... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Aug 10, 2020
New Energy Farms (NEF) and Sugar Research Australia (SRA) have entered into a license agreement to introduce the NEF CEEDS technology into the Australian sugarcane industry.
NEF is a crop technology company, established in 2010, to develop artificial seeds for crops that do not produce conventional seeds, such as sugarcane.
NEF developed and patented the CEEDS technology... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Aug 7, 2020
The Indonesian government plans to resume its biodiesel programme following months of weak palm oil prices and due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The state-owned fuel giant Pertamina is reviving the programme after the company produced an experimental batch of new biodiesel and signed a deal to build a biodiesel catalyst factory.
Pertamina will produce its first 40% mixed... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Aug 6, 2020
Repsol has successfully completed the production of the Spanish market's first batch of aviation biofuels.
This milestone enables the company to advance in the production of low-carbon fuels for industries such as aviation, where alternatives like electrification are not viable today.
This biojet was produced at Repsol's Puertollano Industrial Complex and more batches... [Read More]
Policy News
Aug 6, 2020
GoodFuels has added its backing to the RED II initiative saying it was in favour of directives that stimulate renewables over fossil fuels.
Johannes Schürmann, innovation manager at GoodFuels, said that it was for this reason that the company thinks it was a positive initiative.
The European Commission published its Clean Energy for all Europeans Initiative a couple... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Aug 6, 2020
Neste has announced it has opened four new petrol stations in northern and central California providing greater accessibility to 100% renewable diesel.
The facilities are located near major commercial freight routes and are designed to accommodate commercial fleet vehicles.
The new cardlock locations are operated by Jeffries Brothers Petroleum and are located at Wasco,... [Read More]
Aug 5, 2020
When the world’s economy was placed into deep freeze for the COVID-19 lockdown, people stopped moving. Without the normal demand for fuel, the world’s energy market froze as well - extreme price falls across the commodity space became the norm.
But not all price falls were the same. Major structural shifts in the economy, already underway for years, suddenly accelerated.... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Aug 5, 2020
POET has announced its commitment to scale up production of industrial and beverage-grade alcohol at two biorefineries.
The Sioux Falls-based US company said this will help meet growing demand due to market changes from COVID-19 while creating a new domestic market to boost the agricultural economy.
POET is making significant investments to enhance operations at its... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Jan 1, 1970
POET has announced its commitment to scale up production of industrial and beverage-grade alcohol at two biorefineries.
The Sioux Falls-based US company said this will help meet growing demand due to market changes from COVID-19 while creating a new domestic market to boost the agricultural economy.
POET is making significant investments to enhance operations at its... [Read More]
Aug 4, 2020
A major component of today’s global society is undeniably air transport. It is indispensable to every economic, social and cultural facet of our lives.
Air travel has completely revolutionised not only the way we travel, but also how we interact. The air transport sector directly employs 8.4 million people and tens of millions are supported directly and tangentially... [Read More]