May 16, 2011
Hawaiian Electric Company seeks 42mgy biofuel for power plant
Other News
May 16, 2011
In the US, renewable fuels producer Pacific Ethanol's Q1 2011 net sales were $173.1 million (€122.7 million), compared to $71.3 million for the same period in 2010. The company saw an increase in the total number of gallons sold, which went from 58.7 million gallons in Q1 2010 to 84.6 million gallons in Q1 2010, an increase of 25.9 million. Pacific Ethanol attributes... [Read More]

Other News
May 16, 2011
To date just two North American companies are exempt from tariffs implemented by the European Commission on biodiesel imported from Canada and the US. Renewable energy company Biox is the most recent to receive this exemption. 'This exemption ensures that Biox retains unencumbered access to export our product to the EU, which represents the largest existing biodiesel market... [Read More]

Other News
May 16, 2011
The ethanol subsidiary of biofuels firm AE Biofuels – AE Advanced Fuels Keyes – has resumed operations at its $130 million (€92 million) 55 million gallon a year ethanol production facility in Keyes, California, US. Cilion finished building the plant in November 2008 but it was closed in early 2009 due to 'technical and market issues'. In March 2010 AE... [Read More]

Other News
May 16, 2011
Based in Omaha, Nebraska, US, ethanol producer Green Plains Renewable Energy's net income was $7.7 million (€5.5 million), as the company reported its financial results for the first quarter of 2011, ended 31 March. This compares to $15.6 million for the same period in 2010. Revenues were $812.2 million for the first quarter 2011, compared to $426.5 million during... [Read More]

Other News
May 16, 2011
In the US, 92.2 million acres of corn will be planted for the purpose of producing ethanol, while 85.1 million acres of corn will be harvested, with a yield of around 158.7 bushels per acre. These are figures according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). 'American farmers appear poised to once again respond to market signals and increase their productivity without... [Read More]

Other News
May 16, 2011
The US Department of Energy (USDA) has accepted a cooperative's proposal for a Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) area designation. Named 'Plant, Baby, Plant', the designation was accepted by the USDA on 4 May 2011. This designation of land will see 30 western Missouri counties and eight counties in Kansas form a 'fuel shed' in which the farmers will grow energy crops... [Read More]

Other News
May 16, 2011
In Visalia, California, US, EdeniQ and Logos Technologies are to begin building a corn-to-ethanol pilot plant in, funded partly by a $20 million (€14.2 million) federal Department of Energy (DoE) grant. The companies will break ground on the facility on 19 May 2011, marked with a groundbreaking ceremony at 10am. The pilot plant will be installed with EdeniQ's technology... [Read More]

Other News
May 10, 2011
Canada-based Core BioFuel, a biofuels firm dedicated to the commercialisation of a biomass-to-fuel production process, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with an un-named energy project developer. The MoU will see the development of four Core-licensed biorefineries in the Western Hemisphere, which will utilise Core's patent-pending wood-to-fuel technology for... [Read More]

Other News
May 10, 2011
The 5 May 2011 saw the US Department of Energy (DoE) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) expose a new $47 million (€32.7 million) grant programme. The new R&D grants, which are part of the Obama Administration's aim to address the rising costs of fuel, will support the generation of energy from biomass. The funding will help finance a total of eight projects... [Read More]

Other News
May 9, 2011
Papua New Guinea-headquartered New Britain Palm Oil (NBPOL), a large-scale integrated industrial producer of sustainable palm oil in Australasia, and agribusiness group Wilmar International have agreed to set up an integrated supply chain and joint marketing agreement to supply Europe with fully traceable and segregated sustainable palm oil from NBPOL's Roundtable on Sustainable... [Read More]

Other News
May 9, 2011
In Canada, renewable energy producer Rentech is looking to develop a biomass plant in White River, Ontario that will produce jet fuel and create 400 fulltime jobs. 'This will be the largest renewable clean jet fuel programme in the world,' says the CEO of RenTech Hunt Ramsbottom. 'This will be the first of its kind where the province, the federal government, local communities... [Read More]

Other News
May 9, 2011
Privately owned company Greenergy is to start reducing the levels of waste sent to landfill and has partnered with waste food recycling company Brocklesby to produce biodiesel from food leftovers. In a bid to reduce the environmental impact of the fuel that the company produces, while also creating a new alternative source of fuel, the joint venture will covert edible... [Read More]

Other News
May 6, 2011
Eucalyptus has been found to be a promising option as a biomass feedstock for the production of liquid fuel, as researchers from the US Department of Energy's (DoE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have identified a tree that releases more than twice the usual amount of sugar. The trees being studied by NREL are lignin-modified eucalyptus lines that have been... [Read More]

Other News
May 6, 2011
Following a dip in 2009, throughput in Zeeland ports seems to have picked up again. Q1 2011 saw throughput increase by more than 7% compared to the same period in 2010. In particular, general cargo throughput has increased by 23% and dry bulk by 8%. In addition to its Q1 2011 results, Zeeland Seaports has also released its final results for 2010. Throughput for last year... [Read More]

Other News
May 6, 2011
Dyadic International, a company dedicated to the production of enzymes for the bioenergy industry, among others, has been issued a US patent, number 7,923,236 entitled, 'Fungal Enzymes' by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The patent includes technology relating to the use of and methods for producing novel enzymes and their combinations to convert... [Read More]

Other News
May 5, 2011
At the Chemelot site in Geleen, the Netherlands, technology firm Avantium has completed start-up at its polyester pilot plant, which is the first stage of a pilot facility that will demonstrate the company's YXY technology for the production of green fuels and materials. The plant is on schedule to begin operations in Q2 2011. The company's patented YXY technology is a... [Read More]

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