Jan 18, 2016
UK Government prepares for RTFO consultation
Biodiesel News
Jan 15, 2016
Biodiesel production in the US state of Iowa has set a new record of 242 million gallons in 2015, according to Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA). Biodiesel production was up from 227 million gallons in 2014 and topped the previous record of 230 million gallons set in 2013. Once national numbers are announced, Iowa is expected to again lead the nation in biodiesel... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 15, 2016
The American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) group said it has filed a motion to intervene to support the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in a challenge against the US biofuels standard from the country's biofuel and agricultural groups. AFPM, which represents oil companies, stands by EPA's authority to reduce biofuels requirements from volumes established... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 14, 2016
The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has predicted that ethanol production will average 970,000 barrels per day in both 2016 and 2017 in the US. The organisation published the information in the January issue of its 'Short-Term Energy Outlook'. The EIA has increased its prediction for 2016 when compared to the 960,000 barrel per day prediction included in the... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 14, 2016
President Barack Obama used his last State of the Union address to make an economic case for action against climate change and call for accelerating the US away from "dirty energy" like coal. Earlier in the week (12 January, 2015), the President broadly touted job growth in renewable energy industries and said making "technology work for us" to solve urgent issues like... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 13, 2016
The number of car manufacturers approving the use of E15, a fuel blend of 15% ethanol and 85% gasoline, for their vehicles, continues to grow, according to an analysis by the Renewables Fuels Association (RFA). RFA estimates that E15 was unequivocally identified by car manufacturers as an approved fuel for slightly more than 60% of model year (MY) 2015 vehicles sold, equating... [Read More]

Policy News
Jan 13, 2016
China’s Ministry of Commerce (MoC) launched on Tuesday anti-dumping and countervailing duties investigations on US dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) imports. The move comes after complaints from Chinese producers that DDGS from the US were sold at prices “below normal value” which hurts domestic industry, according to China’s state news... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 13, 2016
CropEnergies, a Germany-based ethanol producer, said its revenue for the first three quarters of fiscal year 2015/16, decreased by 11% to €558m, compared to the same period last year, due to the temporary closure of its bioethanol plant in Wilton, UK. However, in a statement, the firm said that its profitability improved significantly due to favourable proceeds for... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 12, 2016
Second-generation biofuel crops like the perennial grasses Miscanthus and switchgrass can efficiently meet emission reduction targets without significantly displacing cropland used for food production, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Illinois and collaborators published their findings in the inaugural edition of the journal Nature Energy. The... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 12, 2016
The Governors' Biofuels Coalition, a US ethanol lobby group, has appointed Missouri Governor Jay Nixon as its chairman. Nixon replaces Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, who led the Coalition from 2014 to 2015. The trade association also announced that Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts will become vice chairman of the group for 2016. "For more than 20 years the Governors' Biofuels... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 11, 2016
US-based biofuel and agriculture groups have asked a US court to a review the US Renewable Fuel Standards for 2014, 2015, and 2016, according to a court filing on Friday, kicking off a widely-expected legal battle over the controversial program. A spokesman for Biotechnology Innovation Organisation told media agency Reuters that groups representing biofuels manufacturers... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 7, 2016
Shell India Markets, the Indian arm of Royal Dutch Shell, has announced plans to build a five tonne/day biofuel demonstration plant using IH2 technology on the site of its new technology centre in Bangalore, India. IH2 technology is a continuous catalytic thermo-chemical process which converts a broad range of forestry/agricultural residues and municipal wastes directly... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 7, 2016
Car giant Audi is entering a renewed collaboration agreement with French renewable energy firm Global Bioenergies to promote the development of biofuels. The two companies recently announced the delivery by Global Bioenergies to Audi of a first batch of isobutene-derived isooctane (using biomass products such as wood chips), a premium drop-in fuel for gasoline engines. Global... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 6, 2016
Republican Party candidate Ted Cruz is due to face criticism from a pro-ethanol lobby group as he conducts a bus tour through Iowa this week, according to media reports. According to news website Politico, pro-ethanol group America's Renewable Future is hunting the presidential candidate in an attempt to derail his candidacy. The group, which supports the mandate that... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 6, 2016
India has doubled its target of blending ethanol with gasoline to 10%, as it aims to promote cleaner fuel to tackle pollution. According to Reuters, oil companies have never met the current 5% blending target as ethanol derived from molasses - the thick syrup produced by boiling down sugarcane juice in sugar refining - costs more than gasoline without including taxes.... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 6, 2016
British Airways (BA) has announced that it has been forced to abandon plans to turn landfill waste into green jet fuel, partly due to lack of government support. The airliner and green fuels specialist Solena Fuels announced last year that it would move forward with long-standing plans to develop a state-of-the-art facility called GreenSky at an ex-oil refinery in Thurrock,... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 6, 2016
The Turley family have bought out their 50% partner in Ethanol Europe Renewables — one of the continent's biggest producers of bioethanol. The company was a joint venture between the Turleys and Fagen, an American developer of energy plants. According to The Sunday Times, accounts show that the Turley family, who made more than €100m from the sale of the online... [Read More]

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