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Feb 16, 2010
Environmentalists oppose ‘green’ plant
Other News
Feb 17, 2010
The global biodiesel industry is expected to experience a paradigm shift and see its valuation stand at $12.6 billion (€9 billion) by the year 2014.
Currently, Europe is the world’s largest market for biodiesel. It is thought to be worth $7 billion by 2014 and accounts for nearly 55.6% of the market. The US accounts for 28.6%. These figures were published by MarketsandMarkets... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 17, 2010
The conference programme for the upcoming Bioenergy International expo & conference 2010 on 5-6 May in Prague is now available to view online at:
Key speakers at the event include:
Marc Gillmann, Head of biofuels, Total
H.E. Mr. Jan Dusík, Minister of the Environment for the Czech Republic,
Ivan Soucek, CEO,... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 18, 2010
The Netherlands-based storage terminal operator Koole is expanding its facility in Rotterdam by 80,000 m3.
The company will add to its existing 560,000 m3 terminal with a mix of mild steel and stainless steel tanks of various sizes.
In addition Koole Rotterdam will reinforce jetty no.1. and extend the draft to 15.80 metres during Q1, so that vessels of up to 75,000... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 18, 2010
Incoming, a brand acceleration company, has purchased North American Bio-Energies, owner of Foothills Bio-Energies in North Carolina. Foothills Bio-Energies is currently the largest biofuel producer in the North Carolina region.
Foothills has now partnered with Appalachian State University in order to take part in a study designed to determine which feedstock oils are... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 18, 2010
EDG Fuels is due to open a new biodiesel plant on 13 March 2010, based in Tucson, Arizona, US.
The facility will begin operations by producing 3 million gallons of biodiesel a year and it is hoped this will expand to 6 million gallons the following year.
Used cooking oil will be collected and converted into biodiesel.
According to EDG Fuels, the oil will be obtained... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 19, 2010
The legally binding Recommendation 141, issued by the Bern Convention, is warning that some foreign biofuel crops are having a detrimental effect on the natural environment.
It states that certain imported crops are disturbing areas outside of cultivated fields and having a negative impact on native biodiversity.
As a result, the Council of Europe has made advances... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 19, 2010
A Greenfield project is currently being developed in Sierra Leone, West Africa, by Addax Bioenergy.
A division of the Swiss-based energy corporation Addax and Oryx Group (AOG), Addax Bioenergy’s project will consist of a sugarcane plantation, an ethanol distillery and a biomass power plant.
Supported by the government of Sierra Leone and financed by European Development... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 22, 2010
Chemists at the University of California (UC) Davis have developed a new process that allows safflower and other oilseed crops to be made into a combination of fuels, which has the potential to increase the production of biodiesel by 24%.
Mark Mascal, professor of chemistry at UC Davis, said, ‘Conventional biodiesel production extracts plant oils and then converts them... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 22, 2010
In June 2009, General Biodiesel acquired and converted a Seattle-based commercial biodiesel refinery to produce biodiesel from waste oils such as recycled cooking oil and animal fat, which the company collects from restaurants and food stores around the region.
Throughout 2010 the company expects to produce between 3 and 5 million gallons of biodiesel, and hopes this... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 4, 2010
With 40-60% oil contained inside each castor oil seed (or bean), Evogene’s establishment of castor bean fields may prove to be groundbreaking within the biofuels sector.
With a combined total of 3.8 billion litres of biodiesel being produced annually between the US and Brazil, Texas and northeastern Brazil are currently the two target locations for future commercial... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 5, 2010
H.E. Mr. Jan Dusík, Minister of the Environment for the Czech Republic, will be making the keynote presentation at the upcoming Biofuels International expo & conference in Prague on 5-6 May 2010.
Other confirmed speakers include PKN Orlen, ?ESKÁ RAFINÉRSKÁ, Petronas, Cepra A.S, The European Bioethanol Fuel Association, The European Biogas Association, HSBC, biofuel... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 5, 2010
US president Barack Obama has established three steps to boost the production of biofuels.
Firstly, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalised a rule to implement the long-term renewable fuels standard of 36 billion gallons by 2022 established by Congress.
Second, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has also proposed a rule on the Biomass Crop Assistance... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 5, 2010
A proposed biomass plant in Scott County, Indiana, has created chaos and outcry amongst locals.
The $100 million (€73 million) Liberty Green Renewables plant will burn untreated and unpainted woodchips that will generate electricity to supply to utilities across the region.
Liberty Green also plans to construct another biomass plant in Crawford County, near Milltown,... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 5, 2010
RWE npower renewables has teamed up with paper maker Tullis Russell to construct a biomass plant.
RWE develops renewable energy in the UK and the new biomass plant and will be its biggest plant yet.
The facility will use biomass to provide steam and electricity to the company’s power plant. 50MW of energy will be generated, taking the place of the coal-burning plant... [Read More]