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Nov 27, 2012
US biofuels feedstock producer awarded first RBS certification
Other News
Nov 28, 2012
Brazil-based energy business Petrobras is planning to bring ethanol production online in Mozambique in less than two years.
At a conference in Maputo entitled “Brazil and Africa: Opting for Sustainable Development” the chairman of Pterobras Combustiveis, Miguel Macedo, stated it would construct a distillery by the end of 2013.
‘According to the approved... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 28, 2012
Global research company FuturaGene, which focuses on plant genetics development for forestry, biopower and biofuels markets, is to collaborate with the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture research organisation EMBRAPA after the signing of a cooperation framework agreement.
The pair will research eucalyptus and other tree species with an aim of increasing the development... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 28, 2012
The US-based Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO) has applauded the acceleration in development of advanced biofuels technology that could lead to an improvement to US energy security.
The executive VP of the BIO Industrial and Environmental section Brent Erickson responded after the American Petroleum Institute asked Congress to reform the RFS.
‘Reducing... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 29, 2012
The US senate has voted to repeal certain language being included in section 313 of the annual Defense appropriations bill which concerned the future use of alternative fuels in the US military.
The final vote, taken in late November, was 62-37 in favour of prohibiting a proposed clause by Republican senator Jim Inhofe which would have prohibited the Department of Defense... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 29, 2012
The first UK Green Investment Bank was officially opened by business secretary Vince Cable in November.
Headquartered in Edinburgh, with a large presence also in London, the bank will use £3 billion ($4.8 billion) of government money to invest in sectors like carbon capture and storage, renewable energy and energy efficiency measures.
Cable believes the bank will... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 30, 2012
Bioinnovation business Novozymes has increased its bioagriculture presence with a new acquisition.
It has signed a definitive agreement to acquire US-based bioagricultural company Natural Industries which has posted revenues of $5 million (€3.8 million).
‘I am excited to have the people and technologies of Natural Industries join our growing BioAg division.It... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 30, 2012
A new ethanol plant has been mooted for construction in Barbados according to the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC).
The plant would use sweet potatoes as feedstock and convert them into ethanol.
Speaking at the Barbados Manufacturers’ Association’s quarterly networking meeting, BIDC CEO Leroy McClean said: ‘I have a Chinese company... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 30, 2012
US-based biofuels producer Renewable Energy Group (REG) has unveiled new biodiesel positions at four New York terminal locations.
Biodiesel distribution points in Whippany, New Jersey, plus New York locations in New Hyde Park, Port Chester and near Brookhaven have been identified as offering quick access for blending biodiesel to augment heating oil and diesel supplies.
‘Gaining... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 30, 2012
Science and engineering giant Dupont has broken ground on its cellulosic ethanol facility in Iowa, US as it moves towards the commercialisation of advanced biofuels.
The plant is expected to be complete before the end of 2014 and cost in excess of $200 million (€154 million).
It is expected to generate 30 million gallons of cellulosic biofuel annually via corn stover... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 3, 2012
Renewable fuel producer Fulcrum Bioenergy has received multi-million dollar financing for a new facility in the US.
The total amount comes to $175 million (€134 million) and construction of the Sierra Biofuels municipal solid waste to low-carbon fuels facility represents Fulcrum’s foray into such a plant.
‘The current IPO market environment remains challenging,... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 3, 2012
The North American branch of biotechnology company Syngenta has signed a commercial agreement with a Kansas ethanol plant.
The agreement will see Bonanza Bioenergy use grain featuring Enogen trait technology which allows corn to express a robust form of alpha amylase enzyme, the primary enzyme used in dry grind ethanol production to convert starch to sugars.
Enogen eliminates... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 4, 2012
Renewable Energy Group (REG), a producer and marketer of biodiesel, has established new biodiesel blending locations at four New York terminal sites.
'Gaining access to the largest biodiesel terminal network in New York is part of Renewable Energy Group's strategy to expand into the Northeast market as a reliable biodiesel supplier,' REG president and CEO Daniel Oh says.
These... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 4, 2012
Advanced biorefinery owners Borregaard has received a multi-million grant from the Research Council of Norway to further wood processing projects.
The grant totals NOK 30 million ($5.3 million) and will be spread on projects over a three year period. Borregaard won the investment after submitting three applications for funding on projects within the areas of lignin products... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 4, 2012
A sustainable jet fuel project named GreenSky London is gaining momentum after stakeholder British Airways (BA) confirmed its financial commitment to the cause.
GreenSky London is a project between BA and sustainable fuel researchers Solena that will see the construction of a new facility that will annually convert approximately 500,000 tonnes of waste, normally destined... [Read More]