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Mar 6, 2014
Biofuel plant in South Africa to begin construction
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Mar 7, 2014
Malaysia, the second largest palm oil producer after Indonesia, hopes to enhance biofuel consumption to help prices of palm oil.
700,000 tonnes of methyl ester will be used annually, if plans to apply the B7 programme next year go ahead.
This July will see the current B5 programme extended nationwide. The current version, which consists of a 5% palm methyl ester and 95%... [Read More]
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Mar 7, 2014
The Indonesian government is planning to propose a new provision that will fix biofuel prices for an imperative biofuel blending programme.
The programme, which is expected to come into effect in 2015, is being established in a bid to entice more producers to provide biofuel for the domestic marketplace.
Dadan Kusdiana, the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry director... [Read More]
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Mar 10, 2014
White Energy's plant is once again producing ethanol, after nine months out of action last year following a harsh drought.
The ethanol plant is now functioning and looking to increase in size for future production.
'We have changed management teams, and the new team better understands that the production of ethanol is a biological process rather than a mechanical process,'... [Read More]
Other News
Mar 10, 2014
The 85% ethanol blend is now cropping up in areas outside of the Midwestern states, where it first appeared.
Despite Minnesota remaining the largest state to provide E85 at its pumps, the number of Midwest stations selling E85 dropped to 36% last year, down from 54% in 2007.
The number of E85 stations, which stood at 1,229 in 2007, more than doubled last year to 2,625,... [Read More]
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Mar 11, 2014
Universal Robina Corp will initiate the start-up of a new ethanol plant in May.
The Philippine company had initially planned for production at the $35 million (€25 million) plant to begin in March, but it has since been pushed back by two months.
The ethanol plant, which is expected to produce 30 million litres of ethanol a year, will be placed on the company’s... [Read More]
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Mar 12, 2014
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing almost $60 million (€43 million) in the production of advanced biofuels.
The Advanced Biofuel Payment Programme, established in the 2008 Farm Bill and again supported in the recently signed 2014 Farm Bill, is delivering the funding.
The money will be made in payments to 195 advanced biofuel producers. The... [Read More]
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Mar 12, 2014
A North Dakota State University (NDSU) professor and project developers are embarking on a project to cultivate industrial beets to use in ethanol production.
The team are now on the hunt for growers to support and get their plan for production running.
Farmer Claude Richard believes: 'If it's economical to make ethanol out of it, it's going to cut down on oil consumption'.
Dave... [Read More]
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Mar 13, 2014
China New Energy (CNE), the bioenergy engineering and technology firm, has secured a contract to build a biorefinery for Ubon Bio Ethanol in Thailand.
CNE hopes to begin work on the new project – worth RMB100m (€12 million) - in late 2014, and reach completion by 2016.
The existing facility, commissioned by Ubon Bio Ethanol, is a first-generation biorefinery,... [Read More]
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Mar 13, 2014
A new method for recognising and assessing optimum algae locations is set to boost biofuel production.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Sapphire Energy commissioned the article: 'Siting Algae Cultivation Facilities for Biofuel Production in the United States: Trade-Offs between Growth Rate, Site Constructability, Water Availability, and Infrastructure', in the... [Read More]
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Mar 13, 2014
A record-breaking over 190 delegates have registered for the StocExpo 2014 conference. Those heading to the event, which takes place from 18 to 20 March 2014 at Ahoy, Rotterdam, include major decision makers from Shell, BP, Vopak, Stolthaven, Vesta Terminals, Saudi Aramco as well as the Federation of European Tank Storage Associations.
Attendees registered for the three... [Read More]
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Mar 14, 2014
Indonesia's Pertamina is set to offer a third tender to buy palm oil for biodiesel blending, before the end of April.
In August 2013, the world’s biggest producer of palm oil introduced a new regulation, targeting the increased burning of palm-based biodiesel. The move indicates the nation’s desire to up its alternative fuel usage, while cutting its oil import... [Read More]
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Feb 17, 2014
Gasrec, a European supplier of liquefied gas fuel to the transport sector, has opened a dedicated bio-LNG filling station at Arla Foods’ (AF) new £150 million (€183.5 million) dairy in the UK, which is set to become the country’s first zero carbon dairy.
The partnership is set to develop a strategy to introduce low emission bio-LNG fuel for AF’s... [Read More]
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Feb 18, 2014
United Petroleum says it is shutting down the Dalby biorefinery in Queensland, Australia, due to a lack of government support and a drop in demand for fuel-grade ethanol.
According to a statement released by the company, the Australian government is 'no longer interested in subsidising the ethanol industry'.
The biorefinery is currently closed for maintenance, a move influenced... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 18, 2014
A biofuel initiative in India to mix pongemia oil with diesel has been stopped as the utility has to purchase fuel in the open market.
The state-run Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) has operated under the initiative for six years, but price hikes on bulk purchase of diesel meant it was incurring losses through purchasing on the open market and couldnot... [Read More]