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Jun 17, 2014
BioVerno renewable diesel sent to Finland
Other News
Jun 18, 2014
Amyris, an industrial bioscience company and energy providers Total have announced their drop-in jet fuel, which contains a 10% mix of renewable farnesane, under a newly revised ASTM standard.
The duo have closely coordinated the release of the fuel with Boeing, who aims to see biofuels account for a 1% share in the total jet fuel supply within 10 years.
The fuel has... [Read More]
Other News
Jun 18, 2014
The European Renewable Ethanol Industry Association (ePURE) has published its first industry report, detailing both Europe's ethanol production and consumption.
It also notes the opportunities and challenges the industry will face in the future and the influence the EU policy will have on the ethanol industry's status and growth.
Rob Vierhout, ePURE's secretary general,... [Read More]
Other News
Jun 19, 2014
The Brazilian government gets ready to test a higher percentage of ethanol in commercial petrol.
Over the next two months, testers will analyse the viability of increasing the mandatory blend of the biofuel in petrol.
Ethanol is currently blended into petrol at the maximum of 25%.
Despite no information released on what higher blends will be measured, the cane industry... [Read More]
Other News
Jun 19, 2014
A $1.8 million (€1.3 million) federal grant has been awarded to Clinton, North Carolina, for its water and sewer equipment at the city's cellulosic biofuels refinery.
The $200 million investment, which looks set to produce 20 million gallons per year of cellulosic biofuels, is expected to start production in October and be fully operational by the end of 2016.
The... [Read More]
Other News
Jun 20, 2014
New research suggests that waste coffee could be used to power vehicles, help improve the sustainability of biofuels and respond to the issue of climate change.
Researchers at the University of Bath have released a report published in the ACS Journal Energy and Fuels, detailing findings which show that waste coffee grounds have more potential for creating biofuels than... [Read More]
Other News
Jun 20, 2014
Amyris, a renewable energy provider, has designed microorganisms that convert plant sugars to a molecule called farnesene. Farnesene is then converted into a pure hydrocarbon through a secondary process.
The resulting product, farnesane, can be blended with Jet A/A1 at 10% blends, in accordance with the revised ASTM standard.
Amyris is currently producing renewable farnesene... [Read More]
Other News
Jun 23, 2014
Zimbabwe's government has scrapped plans to increase the mandatory threshold for ethanol blending and will maintain the current levels, as a result of the disappointing sugarcane output.
Initially, the government planned to increase the mandatory blending of petrol with ethanol to 20% by April this year from the current E15, reporting this would save $72 million (€53... [Read More]
Other News
May 27, 2014
A ceremony to mark the start of the construction of Empyro's pyrolysis oil production plant has taken place.
The Empryo project, coordinated by BTG Biomass Technology Group, is building the factory at the AkzoNobel site in Hengelo, The Netherlands.
Production capacity will gradually increase to its maximum of over 20 million litres per year of pyrolysis oil.
Construction... [Read More]
Other News
May 27, 2014
Industry representatives expect Brazil's government to announce an increase to the minimum requirement of biodiesel that is blended into diesel.
The decision would increase the biodiesel requirement to 6% in July and 7% in November from the current 5%, lowering Brazil's diesel fuel imports.
Modifying this blend requirement has been considered for years but experienced... [Read More]
Other News
May 27, 2014
Researchers at the Institute of Food Research, UK, are researching how to turn straw from oilseed rape into biofuel.
Straw from crops such as wheat, barley, oats and oilseed rape is a potential source of biomass for second generation biofuel production.
Professor Keith Waldron and his team used the facilities at the Biorefinery Centre on the Norwich Research Park, to... [Read More]
Other News
May 27, 2014
Renewable energy provider, Patriot Renewable Fuels, has hired Leifmark for the first stage of a plan to co-locate an Inbicon Biomass Refinery on the site of Patriot's 110 MMgy grain to ethanol plant.
Leifmark, a group of bioenergy marketing specialists, is using its Incibon patented technology to create a custom Project Definition.
The plant, located in Annawan, Illinois,... [Read More]
Other News
May 28, 2014
A fire broke out at the Rio Valley Biofuels plant near Anthony, New Mexico, after a series of small explosions.
The fire, reported shortly after 9am, sent a plume of black smoke into the air, prompting authorities to briefly evacuate the surrounding area.
Witnesses reported hearing loud explosions and seeing large flames as fire engines and emergency services came to the... [Read More]
Other News
May 28, 2014
St1 Biofuels Oy, a Finnish energy group, will send an Etanolix plant to north European Oil Trade Oy in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The Etanolix plant will produce waste-based bioethanol for transport fuel, using feedstocks such as biowaste and process residue.
St1's plant, which is currently under construction, will have a bioethanol annual production capacity of 5 million litres.
This... [Read More]
Other News
May 28, 2014
COREPER, a committee working for the Council of the European Union, will bring the ‘ILUC Directive’ to the Council of Energy ministers on 13 June. Overcoming the present standstill enables the EU to move past the controversial and ongoing ILUC debate. Rob Vierhout, secretary general of ePURE is calling for the EU to create a long-term, stable and... [Read More]