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Sep 21, 2016
Petrobras to bid farewell to biofuel production
Bioethanol News
Sep 22, 2016
Roxol Bioenergy Corp., the bioethanol subsidiary of Roxas Holdings, has been allowed to reopen its bioethanol plant in Negros Occidental, Philippines, following its implementation of measures to mitigate emission of foul odour. The plant, located at Barangay Nagasi, La Carlota City, was shut down on 9 September, when a cease and desist order (CDO) was filed against Roxol. Roxas... [Read More]

Other News
Aug 26, 2016
Ethanol and biodiesel are not inherently carbon neutral as the widely held assumption states, s new study from University of Michigan (U-M) researchers says. Contrary to popular belief, the heat-trapping CO2 gas emitted when biofuels are burned is not fully balanced by the CO2 uptake that occurs as the plants grow, according to a study by research professor John DeCicco... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Aug 30, 2016
Mexico has passed a regulation that approves the blending and sale of ethanol outside of its three major metropolitan areas. The Energy Regulatory Commission of Mexico (CRE) has published its recently-passed fuel regulation (NOM-016-CRE-2016) in the Mexican federal register, allowing for the blending and sale of up to 5.8% ethanol in the nation’s fuel supply outside... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Aug 31, 2016
A Mexican environmental engineering student has developed a formula to create bioethanol from a water hyacinth plant and will see his project presented to the Nobel Prize laureates in Sweden in December. José Alberto Espejel, a student of environmental engineering at a La Salle University campus in Mexico City, first had the idea of working with water hyacinth,... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Sep 1, 2016
US biodiesel producer World Energy has acquired from Elevance Natchez (ENI) a 72 million gpy biorefinery located on the Mississippi River in Natchez, Mississippi, US.  World Energy has been supplying BQ9000-certified biodiesel from the currently fully staffed and operational plant under a production contract with ENI since January 2013. Customers, employees, suppliers,... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Sep 1, 2016
A team of researchers from the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are testing a novel biodiesel reactor that could lower the cost of biofuel production. Developed in collaboration with Tadweer – Abu Dhabi’s Center of Waste Management the integrated chemical reactor produces high-quality biodiesel from fats, including... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 2, 2016
If bioenergy represents a sustainable energy future for the planet, then why must it compete with oil prices to be deemed a feasible energy alternative for the society?  The answer is simple: It is because the value of bioenergy is indexed on to the cheapest source of fossil energy available on this planet. The generalisation of all energy sources on the basis of... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 5, 2016
Increasing biofuels production in the US could be posing a threat to the country’s already troubled bee population, a new study finds. The Northern Great Plains of North and South Dakota, which support over 40%of US commercial honey bee colonies, are quickly becoming less conducive to commercial beekeeping as a result of land use changes, according to a US... [Read More]

Policy News
Sep 5, 2016
China and the US – the top two greenhouse gas emitters in the world – have both agreed to ratify the Paris Agreement, a global framework to limit the effects of climate change. While China had already earlier announced that it would ratify the agreement, the joint announcement has been hailed by climate campaigners as a significant advance in combating global... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Sep 5, 2016
US powerboat competitors have used high-level ethanol-petrol blends in their boats to race in two competitions. In late August, competitors from around the US participated in two major powerboat racing competitions, the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout in Missouri, and the Mentor Superboat Grand Prix in Mentor, Ohio. Many of the top performing boats at each event... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 5, 2016
Large-scale seaweed farms could become an important source for biofuels production in the UK, a new report by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) suggest. The government department recently unveiled a report entitled, Seaweed in the UK and abroad – status, products, limitations, gaps and Cefas role. In the report, Defra stated that seaweed... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 6, 2016
Bioforever, a consortium of 14 European companies, has announced the start of a demonstration project for the conversion of woody biomass to biochemicals. Bioforever is an acronym for bio-based products from forestry via economically viable European routes. The consortium intends to demonstrate the feasibility of various new value chains from lignocellulosic feedstocks... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 6, 2016
Energy-intensive industries and the products they make can play a considerable role in the global effort to tackle climate change, according to a new report from the World Bank Group, CLASP and Carbon Trust. Making them part of the solution while helping them stay competitive is a key challenge for policy makers, the report highlighted. ‘Climate-friendly technologies’ The... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 6, 2016
Latvia has boosted its biofuel production over the past decade, according to official statistics from the country’s Central Statistical Bureau (CSM). According to the CSM, Latvia has seen its production soar nearly 20 times in the past decade while 2015 consumption compared to 2014 was 203% higher. Biofuels remains a small portion of the country’s overall renewable... [Read More]

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