Volume 1, Issue 6
Published: January 1, 2008
An end to splash and dash?
The practice now referred to as splash and dash is a ruling which was initially intended to encourage the production and use of biodiesel....
Revision of the EU Fuel Quality Directive
The European biofuels policy is currently at a crossroad with two major pieces of legislation pending: on the one hand there is the widely discussed up-coming Renewable Energy Directive (also referred...
Better carbon savings: biofuels or trees?
Carbon-free transport fuels present some of the most difficult problems in adapting to a low carbon economy and, while there are solutions like hydrogen in the offing, it will probably be 30 years or more...
Food before fuel
Biofuel consumption is forecast to undergo a rapid expansion in northeast Asia over the next decade, as governments promote its development as part of wider efforts to increase clean energy consumption....
Expected profitability for US ethanol producers
A record 92.9 million acres of corn were planted this year, with commodity analysts predicting a record-setting yield of 13.3 billion bushels.
Enhancing ethanol production
In developing regions national food security understandably takes precedence over various green agendas. When there's a choice to be made between growing crops to feed people or to feed cars, the population...
Green growth
China Clean Energy, through its whollyowned subsidiary, Fujian Zhongde Technology is a rapidly growing biodiesel producer.
The science behind biodiesel
The American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) decided to hold its first International Congress on Biodiesel in November, and successfully attracted nearly 500 delegates from more than 50 countries.
From trash to cash
Anyone who is familiar with the smell of used cooking oil or chipper grease in a diesel vehicle will have to get ready for a new experience - the smell of chicken or bacon diesel. Until recently, yellow...
All aboard
At present, transporting biofuels, particularly ethanol, via pipeline is not completely viable. Ethanol is highly hydrophilic (attracts water) and potentially corrosive, so would require a designated infrastructure,...
Ethanol top loading systems
The cost to produce and deliver petroleum to consumers includes the following major components: crude oil, refinery processing, marketing and distribution, and taxes.
Green relationships
With a history dating back to the early part of the last century, Simon Storage has now become one of the leading suppliers of engineering and storage solutions to the European biofuels industry.
Handle with care
Throughput of ethanol is generally high in those terminals that handle the product, so long term storage is not a serious issue. But demand for storage is growing and terminals and tank farms have to be...
Extinguishing ethanol
An overturned tanker lies in a ditch next to the highway, the unknown contents spilling freely onto the ground.
Biodiesel: is life too short?
Biofuels are having a hard enough time in the press at the moment, without offspec product fuelling the fire, so companies must ensure its properties remain unchanged throughout the supply chain.
Coping with co-products
The rise of US maize ethanol production is giving new prominence in the grain and feed industry to a commodity that has been around for centuries: distillers' grains. Because of the need to store and transport...