Volume 3, Issue 10
Published: January 4, 2010
Feedstocks across the EU: cereals still preferred
Register or Log In to view this "Free Article"In 2008 the EU produced around 2.8 billion litres of fuel ethanol, which represents a growth of roughly 58% compared to the previous year. The major share of this was distilled from cereals1 that account...
Senate gridlock
Register or Log In to view this "Free Article"It was a tough 2009 for the US biodiesel industry, beset with regulatory delay and uncertainty, lost imports due to anti-dumping tariffs, high feedstock costs and constricted demand by what has been called...
EPA stays on the fence
Register or Log In to view this "Free Article"The US ethanol industry was expecting to hear news this month on whether it would see ethanol blend rates rise from E10 to E15, but the EPA has now delayed this decision until mid-2010. The EPA says it...
Third time lucky?
Register or Log In to view this "Free Article"At the moment USproduced biodiesel qualifies for a $1.00 (€0.70) per gallon excise tax credit, but this is set to expire on 31 December 2009. The industry is pushing for a five year tax extension that...
Staying positive
Register or Log In to view this "Free Article"China is renown for being cautious when it comes to biofuels. With 20% of the world’s population to feed, diverting foodcrops to fuel production has been an intensely controversial issue. So much so...
Moving to Malaysia
The unique formula of coinciding a conference on the biofuels sector in Asia with one on the storage terminal industry worked well and attracted a wide variety of delegates such as traders, storage operators,...
Size matters
Biofuel use has grown at a modest pace in China and northern Asia over the past year due to a shortage of feedstock materials and a lack of support from oil companies in several markets. Although governments...
Bioenergy plant list
While other continents focus on crops like corn, sugarcane, rapeseed or soyabean north Asia’s abundant and fertile land is home to promising non-edible feedstocks. The most commonly-used feedstocks are...
Partner or departure?
It is the world’s big green dream team – a major oil and gas producer partnering with a biotechnology company producing renewable fuels, which will eventually edge dirty fossil fuels out of the market....
Effective biofuel filtration
In 1998, vehicle engine manufacturers embarked on an introduction of a Worldwide Fuel Charter in an attempt to set international fuel standards. As advanced and ultra-clean vehicle technologies are introduced,...
The rise and fall of the golden crop
Corn has long been the staple grain of the US ethanol industry, but now it seems the golden days are over. The economic crisis hit the industry hard and as a result halted investments in technology that...
No more lagging behind
The ethanol industry experienced a red year in 2009 with plants facing bankruptcy and an escalation in raw material costs putting strain on profit margins. In order to survive, or thrive in the case of...
A speedy option
You cannot see it when it burns, and 100ml can kill you, that is if the 200mph Indy Car does not do it first. Replacing methanol with biomethanol is challenging one pillar of the biofuels industry –...