Volume 10, Issue 1
Published: December 23, 2015
Renewable frustration standard
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on 30 November released the final volume requirements for bioethanol under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for the years...
From Paris with love
After two weeks of intense negotiations, the world seems to have come together. World leaders gathered in Paris for the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations...
Current price index
The European ethanol market evaded the ongoing meltdown in the wider commodities markets into the fourth quarter of 2015 as tight supply fundamentals contrasted with...
Chain reaction
The prospect for greater biodiesel demand in the US continues to look healthy. The industry is lent support from mandated demand in New York City's large heating oil market...
2016 Global Outlook
Market leaders from around the world reflect on 2015 and make their predictions for the year ahead....
Made in Brazil: Down but not out
Brazil is committed to achieving a massive growth in biofuels production over the next 15 years, a message which industry and government leaders delivered strongly before,...
The role of cleaner fuels after COP21
The common objective to fight climate change brought together 196 nations to the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) in early December 2015. In an exceptional exercise of international...
Remembering our roots
Converting sugar-rich biomass such as sugarcane, sugar beet, and sweet sorghum to ethanol has been done for many years, but it has also been common knowledge that one of the major...
2015: A strong year for biofuels M&A
The North American biofuels industry witnessed a lot of M&A activity last year as consolidation continued in the ethanol and biodiesel subsectors. Ocean Park Advisors,...
Key considerations in plant acquisitions
Each segment of a new industry, like biofuels, starts with experimentation by many participants and then matures with consolidation, reducing the number of participants...
Amplifying fermentation efficiency
Ethanol producers are faced with diverse and dynamic challenges, from shifting regulations to operational adjustments. Regulatory uncertainty in the US around the Renewable...
Piecing together the puzzle of solvent production
Acetone-butanolethanol (ABE) fermentation is a metabolic process of clostridia, the microorganisms that utilise carbohydrates such as glucose to produce solvents. It...
Biofuel meets cloud solutions
A greater variety of products in a tank farm inevitably results in more complex processes for handling incoming and outgoing goods and inventory accounting. If storage...
Waste not, want not
We all want cleaner, greener biodiesel. Not just out of choice, but out of necessity. European legislation is geared towards increasing transport fuel derived from renewables,...
The new era of renewables
A new generation of bio-based products are attempting to replace identical products manufactured from petroleum, but with renewable carbon and at a competitive cost....