Volume 6, Issue 7
Published: August 31, 2012
UK government consultation sparks cause for concern
In the rush towards the Olympic Park and London’s green areas to catch some summer sun, precious few people caught a glimpse of a Cabinet Office announcement which will have important ramifications...
Standing up for the under-fire RFS
The US Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) has created multiple headlines in recent weeks as summer droughts and ambitious targets have ruffled the feathers of many different industries and even Congress. The...
Two thirds of German motorists still shun E10
A survey of German motorists conducted over the summer by ethanol association BDBE shows that most are still hesitant when it comes to using petrolethanol blend Super E10. Seven out of 10 motorists interviewed...
Wasted opportunity?
Anyone thinking the adoption of the Energy Taxation review would be an easy ride was being extremely optimistic. And those still believing a step change in energy taxation is still possible are just naïve....
US biodieselâ
Farmers in the US endured the worst drought in a generation this past summer, and all-time record high temperatures during July that withered crops and pushed up feedstock costs for the US biodiesel industry,...
On the RIN rebound?
Businessmen can adapt to almost anything except uncertainty and the ‘on again, off again’ nature of the $1 (€0.80) tax credit has caused pricing difficulties each year. The lack of the...
Three out of three
Waste-to-ethanol producer Enerkem reached a major milestone in June. After 11 years of development and testing the company has successfully upscaled and is now producing cellulosic ethanol at its demonstration...
Canadian biofuels takes flight
On 17 April, Canadian regional carrier Porter Airlines conducted the first biofuel-powered revenue flight in Canada, flying one of its Bombardier Q400 turboprops from its base at Toronto City Airport to...
The choice widens
In August the NTA 8080 certification system was officially recognised by the European Commission. It is now an approved voluntary scheme that complies with the European mandatory sustainability criteria...
Implementing RED certification
In June 2012, Switzerlandbased biofuels supplier MBP Group finally got the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) certificate from the ISCC standard from certification body Control Union after a year and a half...
Social impacts of biofuel cultivation
The interest in biofuels and bioenergy production and investment has been driven largely by the policies of national governments, both in developed and developing countries. The EU, US, Canada, Australia,...
One of a kind
Construction has started at the world’s first biorefinery producing wood-based biodiesel. Finland-based UPM’s focus is to integrate the forestry and bio industries, and this project is the...
Certification bodies at work
Certification is the only recognised instrument to demonstrate compliance with sustainability criteria set out in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) directive 2009/28/EC. Economic operators (EOs) belonging...
Making the most of sustainability
With evolving market drivers such as the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) mandating certification compliance for sustainable biofuels, producers are required to have increased control and visibility of...
Double counting spreads throughout Europe
The failure of various climate summits to reach a followon agreement to the Kyoto Protocol is evidence of how difficult it is to achieve a global consensus for the reduction of greenhouse gases. Within...
How to complete an ISCC audit
Through its wide range of possible applications, palm oil represents the most important vegetable oil traded as commodity worldwide. About 90% of palm oil production is consumed within the food industry,...
Getting closer
DuPont is on the cusp of commercialising advanced biofuels. Last year the company bought Danish bio-based company Danisco and its biotechnology Genencor unit to create the new unit DuPont Industrial Biosciences....
Faster commercialisation via technology licensing
Cellulosic ethanol is undoubtedly popular – the real question comes down to economics. In order for it to take off producers need to reduce the cash cost of the final product, minimise capex, construct...
Managing the age of confluence
In June 2012, world leaders approved the outcome document for Rio+20, entitled ‘The Future We Want’. The foundations for social, economic and environmental well-being are set out and calls...
From harbour to hub
Biofuels represent a small but growing part of the energy mix in Europe. However, the biofuel industry is highly volatile, largely regulationdriven and dependent on many variables, which makes its future...
Talking biofuels turkey
Turkey’s biofuels industry is expected to see rapid expansion in production over the next few years as the start date approaches for the introduction of new regulations that specify at least 2% domesticallyproduced...