Volume 11, Issue 3
Published: May 22, 2017
From Hollywood to sustainable energy
Alliance Bio-Products,a subsidiary ofAlliance BioEnergyPlus, has producedan innovative cellulose conversion technology. The US-based company licensesthe patented cellulose-to-sugar (CTS) process, capable...
The green team
Finnish company UPM has recently signedup to become an RSB member – a global standard and certification scheme for sustainable production of biomaterials and biofuels. Here, Liz Gyekye catches up...
All things biofuel
Advanced biofuels developers need to become more focused in promoting the beneficial impact that their products could have on reducing inner-city air pollution, Florida-based fuels consultant, Tammy Klein,...
Pioneering renewable diesel
A breakthrough idea often emerges from a series of smaller discoveries. In the case of Neste’s NEXBTL (Next Generation Biomass to Liquid) technology, its path from concept to success story has been...
Pellets on the right track
In 2007, EU leaders set targets for the EU’s 2020 climate andenergy programme. The programme classified wood pellets as a carbon-neutral form of renewable energy. Since then, the wood pellet industry...
A preprocessing system for cellulosic ethanol production
The majority of CO2 emissions originate from the use of coal and fossil fuel, and one effective method for the reduction of these emissions is the use of renewable energy sources such as wind or solar...
A green convention
The application of biomass-to-liquid (BTL)or gas-to-liquid (GTL) in diesels is pushing the industry to further develop new technologies for aiding the actual industry requirements.This article provides...
In the fast lane
The grant of a patent can be delayed byyears due to backlogs at patent offices around the world. However, recognising the urgent need to address climate change, certain patent offices have established...
Developments in dehydration processing
One of the processsteps for ethanol production is the removal of water from the biofuel. Special techniques have therefore been developed to remove the water, known as drying. Here, Ronning Engineering...
Ethanol dryers: Where we were yesterday and where we are today
Rotary dryer systems used in the early days of the ethanol industry were relatively crude. Their sole purpose was to simply dry the distiller’s grains “by-product” (DDGS)produced after...
How can I get a good night's sleep?
Scale-up of a new process is an important series of steps in process development. When it becomes time to build a new, larger version of the process under consideration, many key decisions need to be made...
Home and dry
Waste streams can be a major expense for breweries, wineries, and distilleries. In many cases, these streams are trucked away for processing at off-site waste treatment facilities. The transportation and...
Nuts about green fuels
Not many people would have heard about cashew nutshell oil. For some of you reading this article, this might be the first time you have heard about it. One shouldn’t feel bad about this, since it...
Corn dry fractionation - past, present, and future
Corn dry fractionation, or corn dry milling,is a method of separating the three components of a corn kernel prior to any processing steps,such as alcohol production.These components are the bran (the protective...
The heat is on
Today, global industry consumes a vast amount of energy.The biggest challenge is that as much as half of it is wasted due to the inefficient and complicated recovery of low-grade energy. Establishing...
Keeping machines running
When most people think of‘automation’, they probably thinkof machine automation. But there are quite a few different types of automation which can be beneficial to ethanol plants. One of the...