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Apr 9, 2015
US ethanol production volumes fall from December levels
Bioethanol News
Apr 10, 2015
According to UNEP's ninth 'Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2015', prepared by the Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Bloomberg New Energy Finance — the past year brought a rebound of green energy investments worldwide... [Read More]
Policy News
Apr 13, 2015
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says it will finalise the volume requirements for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), in addition to the 2017 volume requirement for biomass-based diesel, by 30 November.
The following schedule has been established following a proposed consent decree in litigation brought against EPA by the American Petroleum... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Apr 15, 2015
Renewable company Cascades has invested in a new technology at its Norampac-Cabano facility. This new process extracts hemicellulose from woodchips.
The project is worth a total $26 million (€24.5 million). It is backed by a $10 million investment from Natural Resources Canada's Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) programme and an additional $4.4... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Apr 15, 2015
Pearson Fuels and G&M Oil Company are celebrating their latest partnership with the grand opening of California's newest E85 station.
A ribbon cutting ceremony will take place on 15 April and E85 will be available all day for just $0.85 (€0.80) per gallon.
This event is part of a larger announcement of Pearson Fuels and G&M Oil Company, who have announced... [Read More]
Policy News
Apr 15, 2015
On April 14, the European Parliament's environment committee (ENVI) moved a step closer to an agreement on plans to cap the production of traditional biofuels and accelerate the shift to alternative sources, such as certain types of waste and residues and new sources such as seaweed, with the environment committee's vote backing a deal struck by legislators. The plan aims... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Apr 15, 2015
A recent impact study by University of Nebraska-Lincoln economists reveals Nebraska's ethanol production capacity growth between 1995 and 2014 is tenfold. The results of the 'Economic Impacts of the Ethanol Industry in Nebraska' study were released during a press conference on 14 April.
The authors - Dr. Kathleen Brooks, UNL agricultural economics professor; Dr. Dennis... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Apr 17, 2015
NexSteppe, a producer of sustainable feedstock solutions for the bio-based industries, sold more than 10,000 hectares (25,000 acres) of its Palo Alto biomass sorghums in Brazil this past growing season, compared to just over 1,000 hectares in the previous year.
Just as many of the leaders of the bio-based economy have begun proving their conversion technologies at commercial... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Apr 23, 2015
Taiwan's largest integrated steel maker, China Steel Corporation (CSC), has announced formal Board approval of a 1.4 billion TWD (€42.8 million) capital investment in a LanzaTech commercial ethanol facility. This follows the successful demonstration of the revolutionary carbon recycling platform at the White Biotech (WBT) Demonstration Plant in Kaohsiung using steel... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Apr 23, 2015
Total has announced an investment of €200 million to transform the La Mède refinery and create France's first biorefinery, which will be one of the biggest in Europe, to meet growing demand for biofuels.
In order to sustainably restore the competitiveness of its La Mède site, Total will transform some existing units for activities with strong future... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Apr 23, 2015
Aventine Renewable Energy, a producer, marketer and supplier of ethanol, has announced its first BNSF unit-train shipment of ethanol produced at its two ethanol facilities in Aurora, Nebraska.
On 19 April Aventine's first unit train pulled out of Aurora heading to Birmingham, Alabama. The ethanol will be blended in petrol to enhance octane, and will also help reduce America's... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Apr 24, 2015
ZeaChem, a biorefining project developer and operator, has launched its Technology Institute & Processing Services in Boardman, Oregon.
The company has been operating its 250,000 gallon per year demonstration biorefinery in Boardman, Oregon since 2012. The company is now developing a commercial facility and, having realised the challenges involved in scaling up technology,... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Mar 13, 2015
A survey of the algae industry conducted by the Algae Biomass Organization (ABO) shows high expectations for continued growth in the sector as well as increased production of a wide range of algae-derived products.
The survey was conducted in February 2015 and includes more than 230 responses from companies and individuals involved in directly producing and buying algae... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Mar 16, 2015
Dragonair, part of the Cathay Pacific Group, will operate will operate its first-ever commercial flight using a certified sustainable biofuel blend later this month.
The KA859 service from Shanghai's Hongqiao Airport to Hong Kong on 21 March will take off with the aircraft tanks filled with a 50/50 blend of fossil-based jet fuel and bio-based jet fuel, refined from 100%... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Mar 16, 2015
Celtic Renewables, the world's first company to produce biofuel capable of powering cars from residues of the whisky industry, has received £500,000 (€702,124) in a new round of investment, taking its valuation to £10 million.
The company has announced investment worth £250,000 from the Scottish Investment Bank. The investment arm of Scottish enterprise,... [Read More]