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Nov 21, 2016
Finland plans subsidy for low-emission cars, importers call for biofuel support
Other News
Nov 22, 2016
The European Commission’s (EC) leaked draft proposal to continue supporting first-generation biofuels until 2030 will increase greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from European transport over the period 2021-2030 by an amount equivalent to the emissions from the Netherlands in 2014, according to environmental campaign group Transport & Environment (T&E). These... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 23, 2016
An Imperial College climate finance specialist has called on private investors to invest in proven green technologies. Speaking at the UN’s climate summit in Marrakech (COP22), Charles Donovan, director of Imperial's new Centre for Climate Finance & Investment, said: “There’s a huge difference between technologies that are merely possible... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 3, 2016
Crude oil prices have continued to fall after data showed the biggest weekly US crude surplus on record. According to Wall Street Journal, the supply data prompted investors to reduce expectations that two years of oversupply in the oil markets is coming to an end. US prices immediately shed nearly $1 a barrel and losses spread into gasoline and diesel futures. US crude... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 4, 2016
The Paris agreement on climate change has come into force today (4 November, 2016). This marks the first time that governments have agreed legally binding limits to global temperature rises. Under the agreement, all governments that have ratified the accord, which includes the US, China, India and the EU, now carry an obligation to hold global warming to no more than 2C... [Read More]

Policy News
Nov 4, 2016
Despite the Paris Climate Agreement coming into force today, the world might still be doomed to suffer from rising seas and temperatures, a UN report says. In its annual Emission Gap report, UN Environment says governments must urgently and dramatically increase their ambitions to cut roughly a further quarter off predicted 2030 global greenhouse emissions if they want... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 7, 2016
The European Commission (EC) has approved an investment package of €222.7 million from the EU budget to support Europe's transition to a more sustainable and low-carbon future. The EU funding will spur additional investments leading to a total of €398.6 million to be invested into 144 new projects in 23 member states. The support comes from the LIFE programme,... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Nov 7, 2016
The Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) in Zaria, Nigeria, has entered into an agreement with Hungarian Agrar-Biothanol to produce fertiliser and ethanol in addition to electricity. The facility will produce 1,333 tonnes of liquid organic fertiliser and 2.66 million litres of ethanol annually, as well as 1.2MW of electricity. The plant will process farm residues and both animal... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 7, 2016
Indian bioenergy crop research and development company Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC) has reached a breakthrough in the use of moringa oil in biofuel production. ABC has developed a new variety of moringa tree seed, named Maru-Moringa (MOMAX3) after the location of its discovery, after several years research and trials. The MOMAX3 cultivar is noteworthy for producing very... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Nov 8, 2016
Hong Kong-based biodiesel producer ASB Biodiesel is planning to expand its operations to the Pearl River Delta region in South China starting in 2018. The company considers China a land of “big potential” due to the large amounts of waste oils available, EJ Insight reports. ASB is currently considering the location for the plant, which could be near any city... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 8, 2016
Fulcrum BioEnergy and BP have signed a major strategic partnership that includes a $30 million (€27m) equity investment in Fulcrum by BP. With Fulcrum's first plant under construction, the company says the partnership accelerates the construction schedule for its next renewable jet fuel plants. Fulcrum and Air BP, the aviation division of BP, have also agreed... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Nov 8, 2016
Danish biological solutions developer Novozymes has launched the Fermax enzyme protease that prevents foam development during sugarcane ethanol fermentation while delivering improved control and replacing chemicals. For an average size plant, trialling partners also experienced a cost reduction of up to 20% when using Fermax, as compared with use of chemicals, Novozymes... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 9, 2016
Two men based in Florida, US, were each sentenced to more than a decade in prison in a more than $46 million (€41m) biodiesel fraud scheme, the US Department of Justice reported. Thomas Davanzo of Estero and Robert Fedyna of Naples were sentenced on Monday for a scheme with co-conspirators at Gen-X Energy Group in Pasco, Washington, and subsidiary Southern Resources... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Nov 9, 2016
Brazil is expected to produce around 2 million tonnes more sugar and import a high ethanol volume next year as mills tend to allocate more cane to produce the sweetener. The 2017-18 centre-south cane crop should not change much from what is seen for the current season despite the favourable market condition, as an ageing cane field and irregular weather cuts next year's... [Read More]

Policy News
Nov 9, 2016
The US biofuels industry is voicing its support for Presidential-elect Donald Trump, saying he “understands” the needs of the renewable fuels industry. Trump took the world by surprise on Wednesday by decisively beating his competitor Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House. Several US biofuels companies have come out congratulating the presidential... [Read More]

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