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Nov 14, 2017
BDI gets new contract to build biodiesel plant for Crimson Renewable Energy
Bioethanol News
Nov 14, 2017
India-headquartered Sona Group has announced that it has beefed up the production at its Nigeria-based ethanol plant, according to media reports from Business Day.
The website reported that Sona ethanol will producing 120,000 litres daily, approximately 43.8 million litres per annum at its plant in Ogun state.
The Sona ethanol plant which is located at Sango-Ota is expected... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Nov 14, 2017
Current methods to make aviation more sustainable, including subsidies for biofuels, will not be enough to meet climate targets, according to a PhD student from Delft University in the Netherlands.
Paul Peeters, who has completed his PhD on the sustainability of the aviation sector, concludes that climate targets will not be reached without a ‘severe reduction’... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Nov 15, 2017
Hawaiian Electric Company and Pacific Biodiesel Technologies have reached a new agreement for the Maui-based biofuel company to supply biodiesel processed from recycled waste cooking oil and other local feedstocks for the 50-MW Schofield Generating Station, 8-MW Honolulu International Airport Emergency Power Facility, and other O’ahu generation facilities as needed.
The... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Nov 15, 2017
Newly published research has demonstrated the importance of microbial communities as a source of stable enzymes that could be used to convert plants to biofuels.
The research was carried out by scientists from the Department of Energy’s Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) based at Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory. The findings have been published in the journal... [Read More]
Other News
Oct 20, 2017
Renewable fuels company Velocys has confirmed the location for its first biorefinery in the US. The company has signed a site option agreement with Adams County in the State of Mississippi for the new facility to be built in the city of Natchez.
Adams County has offered Velocys economic incentives estimated to be worth the equivalent of $42 million (€35.8 million).... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Oct 23, 2017
A new charge which will see owners of the most polluting vehicles pay a daily fee of £21.50 to drive in London, has come into effect.
Under the new scheme, brought in by Mayor Sadiq Khan in order to improve air quality in the UK capital, drivers of older, more polluting petrol and diesel vehicles will be liable for the £10 T-charge. This is on top of the congestion... [Read More]
Other News
Oct 24, 2017
Policymakers in the European Parliament’s environment committee (ENVI) have voted in support of a proposal for a total phase out of crop-based biofuels by 2030 and have backed the use of biomass for electricity production.
The ENVI vote on the revised Renewable Energy Directive, dubbed RED II, happened yesterday evening (23 October). RED establishes an overall... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Oct 24, 2017
US Department of Commerce imposes preliminary anti-dumping duties on Argentine, Indonesian biodiesel
The US Department of Commerce has imposed preliminary anti-dumping duties on biodiesel from Argentina and Indonesia ranging from around 50 to 70%. The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) Fair Trade Coalition is claiming victory on the news.
The Commerce Department found that biodiesel imports from Argentina and Indonesia are sold into the United States below fair value, and... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Oct 24, 2017
A plan to boost biofuel use in Brazil has been put on hold, according to Reuters, as the government assesses the potential impact on the economy and industry.
Dubbed RenovaBio, the Brazilian government-led programme would boost the market share of renewable fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. This would be achieved through mandates for fuel distributors which would obligate... [Read More]
Other News
Oct 25, 2017
Danish biotechnology company Novozymes has published its third quarter results, revealing better than expected growth from the company, including a strong showing from its “Bioenergy” division.
Earnings before interest tax (EBIT)increased by 5% to DKK 3,032 million (€407m) , up from DKK 2,884 million from the first nine months of 2016, and... [Read More]
Other News
Oct 25, 2017
A collaborative project to map open access pilot and demonstration infrastructure for bio-based industries across Europe has been launched.
The Pilots4U project is funded by the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Launched when the eight project partners came together in Ghent, Belgium,... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Oct 25, 2017
US biofuels process technology provider ICM will be opening a regional office in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.
As an industry-leader in the development and optimisation of ethanol technologies, ICM is in the process of hiring a team of employees to service the needs of the region.
ICM’s plans to develop enhanced operations in Brazil were initiated... [Read More]
Policy News
Oct 27, 2017
It will be easier for cities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions coming from residential energy use rather than transportation, new research claims.
This reduction will happen thanks to more efficient building practices and not greater housing density, the study, published in the Journal of Planning Education and Research, states.
The aim of the study was to determine... [Read More]
Other News
Oct 30, 2017
Renewable fuel producer Neste has released its interim report for the period January to September 2017. The results show that the Finnish company is set for a positive year, despite uncertainties hitting the European renewable fuels industry.
“Neste's strong performance continued in the third quarter, and we are on track to deliver a very successful year 2017. Oil... [Read More]