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Mar 28, 2024
EBB publishes manifesto for a “Made in Europe” transition towards carbon-neutral transport
Bioethanol News
Mar 28, 2024
Emirates has commenced the activation of its fuel agreement with Neste at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. Over 2 million gallons of blended SAF will be supplied into the fuelling system at the Dutch Airport over the course of this year. The airline will track the delivery of SAF into the fuelling systems and environmental benefits using standard industry accounting methodologies.... [Read More]

Mar 27, 2024
It takes a lot of inputs to convert a raw material into a usable biofuel. It requires specialised expertise, precision equipment, the correct materials and well-executed processes. However, often, from a cost-perspective, the most significant expense in the process of converting raw materials to biofuel is energy. That is why, at CPM, we have focused on developing... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Mar 27, 2024
LanzaTech UK has been granted permission to setup a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) facility on a former-industrial site at Crown Wharf. Work on the new facility is due to commence this winter and production is scheduled to begin two years’ later. The proposed alcohol-to-jet facility in Port Talbot will produce about 100 million litres of SAF per annum - about 10%... [Read More]

Other News
Mar 26, 2024
New this year at the annual Biofuels Conference and Expo, which will take place on June 18-19, is the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) element. The SAF Fuels Summit will take place in an adjoining room at the same venue – the Hotel Le Plaza, Brussels. A 10% early bird special offer is still available to delegates who are contemplating coming. This lasts until the end... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Mar 26, 2024
European biodiesel producer Argent Energy has entered consultation on plans to end production at its biodiesel plant in Motherwell, Scotland. Despite the excellent team and their considerable efforts, external factors affecting the UK and EU biodiesel market have driven the requirement to make a strategic change. The decision, taken only after lengthy consideration... [Read More]

Policy News
Mar 25, 2024
The European Biodiesel Board (EBB) has welcomed the addition of several new feedstocks in the revised Annex IX to the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) adopted by the European Commission. Further clarifications on the definitions of the newly added feedstocks are still needed prior to implementation. The EBB, with its comprehensive sectoral knowledge, is looking forward... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Mar 25, 2024
The International Grains Council (IGC) expects global production of sunflower seeds to reach 58.5 million tonnes in its first estimate for the 2024/25 marketing season. The anticipated increase in production is based in particular on higher yield expectations despite an approximately 2% reduction in the area planted. According to the IGC, the reasons for the expected... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Mar 22, 2024
INEOS is looking to close its ethanol plant at the Grangemouth petrochemicals complex in the UK, it has been reported. The proposed closure is in response to a reduction in demand for ethanol in Europe along with increasing pressure from imports of ethanol from other regions, which has led the business at Grangemouth to run at a loss for several years. The plant is... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Mar 22, 2024
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) expects global soybean output in the 2023/24 crop year to increase 18.8 million tonnes on the same period the previous year. Production is set to hit a new record high at around 397 million tonnes as adequate supply has caused stocks to rise worldwide. The USDA's soybean forecast for Brazil was slightly lowered to 155 million... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Mar 21, 2024
Carreras and Cepsa have signed a collaboration agreement in Zaragoza to promote the use of 100% renewable diesel (HVO). Carreras is already refuelling with 100% renewable diesel at one of the five Cepsa Service Stations where it is available, such as Mercazaragoza. In addition, HVO can be refuelled in Cerro de la Cabaña, La Junquera, La Cañada and Araia. This biofuel... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Mar 21, 2024
A first of its kind breakfast at Heathrow, named The Fly Up, which is cooked with oil that is then cleaned and recycled into renewable biofuels has taken off. The Heathrow Fly Up has been created in partnership with chef Heston Blumenthal to create awareness of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). In the UK aviation sector’s latest net zero roadmap, SAF is the single... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Mar 20, 2024
SUSTAINBLE fuels producer Renovare Fuels has launched an equity raise of some £6 million (€7 million). The company’s technology turns biodegradable waste from homes and industry into advanced renewable biofuels. This investment is set to “unlock a pipeline of its cutting-edge technology” to drive sustainable fuel projects throughout the UK and Europe, worth... [Read More]

Other News
Mar 20, 2024
The stage is set for the annual Biofuels Conference and Expo which will take place on June 18-19. A 10% early bird special offer is still available to delegates who are contemplating coming. This lasts until the end of March. The event will once again take place at the Hotel Le Plaza in Brussels, which so successfully hosted the conference last year. David Carpintero,... [Read More]

Mar 19, 2024
Traditionally vegetable oils of different quality and refined stages were used for first generation biodiesel and HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) production. The business and its growth was supported by governmental measurements and subsidies. These measurements were stopped in most cases as new incentives were created, increasingly for waste-based feedstock only... [Read More]

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