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Feb 9, 2021
BA schedules SAF flights from next year
Biodiesel News
Feb 9, 2021
The US exported a total of 472,889.3 metric tonnes of biodiesel and biodiesel blends of B30 or greater last year.
This figure was up from 384,894 metric tonnes in 2019, according to the latest figures released by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Exports of biodiesel and blends of B30 or greater totalled 9,088.1 metric tonnes in December. This was a reduction... [Read More]
Feb 9, 2021
A Liquid Gas UK (LGUK) report has outlined the route to decarbonising non-domestic off-grid businesses using bioLPG.
The report found that LPG and bioLPG have the potential to replace one third of all the coal and oil currently used to heat non-domestic buildings as well as for industrial processing, saving 3.5million tones of CO2 - equivalent of taking over 240,000... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 8, 2021
Biofuels firm Raízen has signed a commercial agreement to incorporate the assets of Biosev - a Brazilian subsidiary of Louis Dreyfus Holding.
The deal includes nine production units strategically located in Brazil with a total installed sugarcane processing capacity of up to 32 million tonnes.
The agreement also includes power cogeneration, with an export capacity... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 8, 2021
Velocys has signed an agreement with Toyo Engineering Corporation to start the development of their commercial projects to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and other renewable fuels in Japan.
The agreement follows on from the successful work already conducted last year between the two at the biomass-to-jet-fuel demonstration facility in Japan.
This included... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 8, 2021
The Sustainable Aviation Fuel Act legislation to incentivise the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and help the aviation sector reduce carbon emissions has been introduced in the US.
The bill would create a new blender’s tax credit for SAF, linked to carbon reductions, as well as an Investment Tax Credit to help finance new SAF facilities and infrastructure.... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 8, 2021
Neste’s renewable products helped customers in several geographic markets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10 million tonnes altogether last year.
According to the company, this amounted to the annual carbon footprint of 1.5 million average EU citizens or the removal of 3.7 million passenger cars from the roads for a full year.
“We are committed to help customers... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 5, 2021
A new report published by the Environmental Research Letters found that greenhouse gas emissions from corn ethanol are 46% lower than petroleum - up from 39% done by previous modelling.
The report, led by David MacIntosh, Chief Science Officer of Environmental Health & Engineering and Adjunct Professor of Environmental Health at Harvard’s TH Chan School of Public Health,... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Feb 5, 2021
The accounting of biofuels with a high risk of indirect land use change (iLUC) will end in Austria on 1 July.
The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) welcomed the regulation of the Austrian Federal Government, pointing out that the draft law submitted by the German Federal Government at the end of 2020 to implement RED II provides for the exclusion... [Read More]
Policy News
Feb 5, 2021
The federal government of Germany has decided to increase the share of renewable energies in the transport sector to 28% by 2030.
This means that Germany is well above the EU target of 14%.
In addition to stronger incentives for green hydrogen, new charging stations and advanced biofuels that are obtained from residues instead of food, the change in the law also provides... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 4, 2021
Brazil and Argentina are set to maintain their shares in the global soybean market this crop year.
Whereas Argentina is expected to harvest slightly fewer soybeans, Brazil is anticipated to bring in a larger crop.
Brazil, the US and Argentina are the largest soybean-producing countries worldwide.
Together, they produce more than 80% of the world's soybeans. India... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Feb 4, 2021
Malaysia will delay the nationwide rollout of its B20 palm oil biodiesel mandate to early next year.
The reason behind the move was prioritise an economy that has been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the state news agency Bernama reported.
The mandate to manufacture biofuel with a 20% palm oil component - known as B20 - for the transport sector was first rolled out... [Read More]
Policy News
Feb 4, 2021
Oil giant Shell suffered a loss of $21.7 billion (£17.5 billion) last year after the COVID-19 pandemic hit prices and demand.
The trend follows that of BP and Exxon, which posted similar huge losses in the past 12 months.
“2020 was an extraordinary year. We have taken tough, but decisive actions and demonstrated highly resilient operational delivery while caring for... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 3, 2021
Clariant has signed a license agreement with a Chinese green energy company for its sunliquid cellulosic ethanol technology.
Harbin Hulan Sino-Dan Jianye Bio-Energy, a subsidiary of the Sino-Dan Jianye Group, has been involved in the second generation biofuels business and research for almost a decade.
The plant operation will be performed by Harbin Hulan Sino-Dan... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 3, 2021
One of the world’s largest LPG distributors announced a new partnership with Ekobenz, a Polish technology specialist in catalytic conversion of bioethanol to bioLPG and biogasoline.
UGI International has secured the exclusive rights to Ekobenz’ supply of bioLPG, a renewable form of propane-butane produced from advanced bioethanol.
The primary raw material to produce... [Read More]