Jul 22, 2010
UK meets renewable fuel target
Other News
Jul 22, 2010
Texas-headquartered pipeline transportation and energy storage company Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMEP) has experienced strong financial growth at its terminals and pipelines in Q2, namely due to an increase in ethanol handling. ‘Growth in [the products pipelines] segment compared to the second quarter last year was driven by strong financial performance at our... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 21, 2010
Located in Ames, Iowa, US, biodiesel producer and marketer Renewable Energy Group (REG) is acquiring California-based biodiesel firm Tellurian Biodiesel and American BDF (ABDF). ABDF is a joint venture owned by Golden State Service Industries, a wholly owned subsidiary of Golden State Foods of Irvine, California, Eagan, Minnesota-based Restaurant Technologies (RTI) and... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 21, 2010
In the US car producers are apparently meeting targets that will soon see an increase of ethanol-fuelled vehicles on US roads. There are currently around 8 million flex-fuel vehicles in operation and, although not as efficient as petrol, E85 is cheaper due to the subsidies awarded by the government. These total around $6 billion a year. According to General Motors... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 16, 2010
In Pittsboro, North Carolina, US, industrial enzyme producer Novozymes and biofuels leader Piedmont Biofuels are to unveil a new pilot plant that will be the first of its kind in the US. The pilot facility will convert low quality waste grease into biodiesel using groundbreaking technology developed by Piedmont Biofuels and Novozymes. Built at Piedmont’s site in... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 15, 2010
In China, Baosteel, the country’s largest steel and iron business, is developing a biofuels plant. After signing a deal with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in June this year Baosteel is now planning the construction of a waste gas-to-ethanol facility near to one of its factories. The plant will produce ethanol using the waste gas emitted from the factory. LanzaTech,... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 15, 2010
Dedicated to investing in alternative energy projects, Ohio, US-based Rex American Resources Corp. has acquired a 48% stake in ethanol producer NuGen Energy. After parting with $9.2 million (€15 million) for the stake on 14 July this year, Rex has expressed its willingness to invest an additional $6.5 million in the South Dakota-based company depending on future sales. NuGen... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 15, 2010
Energy company BP Biofuels North America is to acquire Verenium’s cellulosic biofuels business. Under the terms of the agreement BP Biofuels’ investment of $98.3 million (€76.4 million) will purchase Verenium’s facilities in Jenninigs, LA, US, including the pilot plant and the demonstration-scale facility; the San Diego, California-based R&D facilities; the... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 14, 2010
In Columbus, Nebraska, US, ethanol producer Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) has inaugurated its recently constructed dry milling plant and ethanol production facility. The christening took place on 9 July this year after the facility opened in November last year. The project was originally announced in February 2006. The dry mill has the capacity the produce 300... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 14, 2010
Aventine Renewable Energy, a leading ethanol producer based in Illinois, US, is reportedly on target to complete the construction of its biofuel plant by September this year. Located in the Ports of Indiana-Mount Vermont the 110 million gallon-a-year ethanol refinery began construction towards the end of 2007 but the build was brought to end when Aventine filed for bankruptcy... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 14, 2010
American Jianye Greentech Holdings has begun the construction of its second biofuels plant in southern China. The clean energy company plans to invest $21 million (€16.5 million) in the project throughout the year that will see the erection of a clean fuels production refinery and filling station located at the Xiangzhou Shilong Industry Zone, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 13, 2010
A petroleum products terminal in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, US, has changed hands with the new owners considering future biodiesel production. El Maniel Energy, a subsidiary of El Maniel International (EMLL), acquired the 24 million gallon terminal in eastern Pennsylvania, which includes five acres of land, buildings and equipment valued at over $2 million (€1.59... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 13, 2010
Aura Bio Corp., a US company operating in Nigeria, has entered into a formal agreement with Nigerian biodiesel producer Tolao Energy. The agreement comes after Aura Bio Corp. completed its due diligence assessment of the biodiesel project in Cross River State, Nigeria. The project will see the cultivation of jatropha on 3,000 acres of land and the construction of a biodiesel... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 9, 2010
A joint venture between Everpure Biodiesel Coop. and Zuraw Technologies has seen the construction of a new biodiesel plant in Acton, Ontario, Canada. The facility means that Everpure can now collect waste vegetable oil from eateries around the local area before Zuraw Technologies converts it into biodiesel in the new plant. Prior to the construction of the biofuel production... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 9, 2010
Oil producer Petrobras, construction firm Camargo Corrêa and Mitsui & Co. have secured a preliminary environmental license to construct an ethanol pipeline in Brazil. Expected to cost $1.1 billion (€900 million) to build, the pipeline will be 337 miles (542km) long. The pipeline will be ready for use by Q3 2011 and will connect mills located in the states of... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 8, 2010
After recently acquiring joint venture operations in Central Java, Indonesia, renewable energy company Jatoil has secured its first sale of a commercial quantity of crude jatropha oil. The sale is under a new four-year off-take agreement with Jatoil’s partner Waterland International, covering all crude jatropha oil produced from the first 1,000 hectares of the project.... [Read More]

Other News
Jul 7, 2010
In Massachusetts, US, the mandate that would have seen 2% of biofuels blended with conventional heating oil and diesel has been put on hold. Due to come into effect last week (30 June 2010) the Clean Energy Biofuels Act would have begun at 2% before being increased to 5% in 2013. The legislation was signed in 2008 in order to reward second generation biofuels and other... [Read More]

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