Nov 19, 2010
Brazil sugarcane harvest: ups and downs
Other News
Nov 19, 2010
Liquid fuels stored in above ground storage tanks (ASTs) are strictly regulated. With limited land space and terminals with high occupancy rates, underground storage of biofuels is becoming a viable option with a little EPA guidance.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released draft guidance for underground storage tank (UST) owners and operators who want... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 18, 2010
All diesel sold in the province of Alberta, Canada, is to be blended with 2% biodiesel by 2011.
However, Alberta does not produce any biodiesel which can be consumed in cold temperatures, meaning the biofuel will have to be imported.
Planned for northern Alberta is an innovative biodiesel production facility which will convert non-food-grade canola and pennycress... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 17, 2010
With its ability to be blended with conventional fossil fuels without the need for a new type of engine, drop-in fuel is a major part of the biofuels industry right now.
In a move that will see the production of drop-in jet fuel, New Zealand-based biofuel firm LanzaTech is to work with the US DoE.
Working with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) LanzaTech... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 17, 2010
Bioenergy crop firm SG Biofuels, dedicated to developing and producing jatropha seeds, has partnered with Bunge North America to research and develop a model to produce a biofuel feedstock from jatropha seeds.
The president and CEO of SG Biofuels Kirk Haney announced the news at the Advanced Biofuels Markets Conference & Expo in San Francisco, California.
The venture... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 17, 2010
The world’s largest renewable diesel plant has started operations in Singapore.
The plant, which is owned and operated by refining and marketing company Neste Oil, has the capacity to produce 800,000 tonnes of NExBTL renewable diesel a year but, according to Neste Oil, the production capacity is set to increase and will be ramped up on a phased basis.
Costing approximately... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 17, 2010
In the US Colwich, Kansas-headquartered ICM has signed a contract with Hereford Renewable Energy, a subsidiary of Murphy Oil, to retrofit an ethanol plant located near Hereford in Texas.
Expected to be complete by Q2 2011, Hereford Renewable Energy is hoping that retrofitting the plant before start-up will enable the company to capitalise on the improved operating efficiencies.
... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 15, 2010
Construction of the Fulton, Mississippi-based cellulosic ethanol plant developed by BlueFire Renewables, a company dedicated on the production of renewable fuels from non-food cellulosic wastes, can begin construction as the final permits have now been received.
The company has obtained its final air, wastewater and storm water permits from the Mississippi Department... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 15, 2010
US-based renewable energy firm PetroAlgae and Sky Airline, a Chilean airline providing passenger, mail and cargo air transportation services, have entered into a non-binding offtake agreement.
Subject to certain conditions, the collaboration will see Sky Airline purchase the fuel feedstock produced by licensees of PetroAlgae’s technology as a feedstock for conversion... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 15, 2010
The privately held renewable chemicals and advanced biofuels company Gevo’s isobutanol has successfully cleared registration with the U.S. EPA as a fuel additive.
Gevo’s isobutanol is the first isobutanol to be listed in the EPA’s Fuel Registration Directory and is now approved for blending with petrol.
‘We’ve taken another important step in commercialising... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 15, 2010
Brazilian oil and gas company Petrobras has set up a network for distribution and storage of ethanol and other liquids.
Petrobras joins five other players to form a new company with an initial capital of BRL100 million (€42.5 million) to develop the network.
The shareholders in the new company will be Petrobras with 20%; Cosan SA Industria e Comercio (20%); Copersucar... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 11, 2010
Renewable energy and green tech company GreenGold Ray Energies has announced its revenue forecast for the next five years’ cumulative sales for jatropha-based biodiesel.
Based on today’s jatropha biodiesel prices GreenGold has estimated that its revenue should reach $178 million (€129.5 million) by year five, whereby a cumulative sales of $356 million are expected.... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 11, 2010
Bioenergy firm Solena Group has signed a letter of intent with clean energy company Rentech for the use of its proprietary Fischer-Tropsch synthetic fuel technology in Solena’s sustainable biojet fuel project – GreenSky.
The facility will convert more than 500,000 tonnes of waste biomass feedstock into synthesis gas every year using Solena’s plasma gasification... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 11, 2010
In Avon, Colorado, local buses and other town vehicles will soon be running on biodiesel following moves by the area’s fuel supplier in October.
In response to federal EPA standards, which will see US suppliers offer renewable fuels, Sinclair Oil Company is looking to replace its No.2 diesel with a 2% biodiesel blend.
‘This renewable fuel is another step the town... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 8, 2010
Biofuels company AE Advanced Fuels Keyes’ wholly owned subsidiary AE Biofuels has secured over $4 million (€2.87 million) in funding from Third Eye Capital to retrofit and restart operations at its Keyes-based ethanol plant in California, US.
The retrofit is expected to be completed and the plant fully operational by Q1 2011.
The facility was originally opened back... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 8, 2010
Sudan-based White Nile Sugar Co. has signed an agreement with China’s Beijing-based CAMC Engineering Co. for the development of an ethanol production facility and an animal feed plant.
It is expected that both plants will come online towards the end of April 2012 when White Nile begins its sugar production, but managing director Hassan Satti refused to comment on the... [Read More]
Other News
Nov 8, 2010
A $160 million (€116.3 million) biofuel plant, located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US, is now operational.
Owned by Tyson Foods and fuel manufacturer Syntroleum Corp., Dynamic Fuels has been designed to produce 75 million gallons of renewable diesel a year from leftovers from Tyson’s meat-processing factories and eateries, including chicken fat, beef tallow and grease.
'Our... [Read More]