Nov 7, 2014
Conference programme released for Tank Storage Middle East
Other News
Nov 6, 2014
For all of our subscribers out there, the November/December issue of Biofuels International magazine will be on your desks shortly. Along with analytical pieces from regular contributors Alkol, Schneider Electric and starsupply, we have also added Lootah Biofuels to the mix, who will provide an in-depth look at the Middle Eastern biofuels market. This issue is stuffed... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Nov 6, 2014
Biomass Japan has selected Davao City, in the Philippines, to set up a used cooking oil-based biodiesel production facility. The firm is currently negotiating feedstock supply contracts with major restaurants and other potential oil suppliers. '(The company) will collect all used cooking oil from restaurants and households, filter and process this into biodiesel, which... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Nov 6, 2014
North Carolina State University (NCSU) scientists are using biotechnology to overcome obstacles to producing biofuels from woody plants and grasses instead of the corn and sugarcane used to make ethanol. Lead author Quanzi Li says the biggest hurdle to producing more sustainable and economical biofuels comes from stubborn plant cell walls that resist being broken down... [Read More]

Policy News
Nov 6, 2014
India is planning to increase the promotion of biofuels to reduce its crude oil import bill. Current estimates suggest India has the potential to produce 1,200,000 million tonnes, but at present the country only produces 60,000 tonnes, of which 80% is exported. To lift this figure, the country will encourage the production of non-edible oil seeds that lead to biofuel production. Nitin... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Nov 6, 2014
State-owned company Alcoholes de Uruguay (Alur) has launched a pilot project to recycle used cooking oil (UCO) and convert it into biodiesel. The project, which uses a 'smart' glass container that receives UCO containers and provides clean ones in return, is modelled on recycling systems implemented by the company Ekogras in the northern Spanish city of San Sebastian. A... [Read More]

Policy News
Nov 6, 2014
As biofuels now account for 1% of global energy use, a report on the 'State of the Global Biofuels Market' released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) says second generation technologies, climate change concerns and economic pressures are carving the future of the growing biofuels sector. 'While alternative energy sources are growing faster... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Nov 6, 2014
A Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) analysis of model year (MY) 2015 warranty statements and owner's manuals shows that auto manufacturers explicitly approve the use of E15 (15% ethanol, 85% petrol) in approximately two-thirds of new vehicles. The US EPA approves E15 for all 2001 and newer vehicles, which make up approximately 80% of vehicles on today's roads. Based on... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Nov 6, 2014
Appalachian Biofuels is investing $3.5 million (€2.8 million) to manufacture biodiesel from waste feedstocks using immobilised enzymes. A new startup company plans to build an enzymatic biodiesel production facility in Russell County, Virginia, with funding from the state government. Virginia beat out South Carolina in competition for the project, according to a press... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 31, 2014
Tank Storage Asia reaffirmed its position as the leading event for the Asian tank storage industry with record breaking numbers attending the 2014 show. The event, which took place on 24-25 September at the Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, recorded a sizeable 25% increase of visitors compared with last year. Tank Storage Asia welcomed key industry professionals from over 31... [Read More]

Policy News
Oct 31, 2014
Italy has become the first member of the European Union to mandate the use of renewable fuel made from inedible crops. The law states that as of January 2018, petrol and diesel must contain at least 1.2% advanced biofuel. By 2020, this will increase to 1.6% and two years later, a minimum 2% biofuel blend will be adopted. The European Council in June proposed capping the... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Oct 30, 2014
Howard Tenens and Prins Autogas are the first companies to successfully convert a Mercedes-Benz Actros Euro 6 type vehicle to run on duel fuel, compressed natural gas and diesel. The new technology delivers a solution to the problem in adapting a Euro 6 type vehicle to run using the carbon saving technology. Howard Tenens, a UK-based logistics company, approached Prins... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Oct 30, 2014
Evogene, specialists in the improvement of crop productivity and economics for the food, feed and biofuel industries, has completed its expansion of crop protection activities at its facility in Rehovot, Israel. The facilities will support research and development activities for Evogene's product programmes, which focus on fungi, insect and weed control. The field of crop... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Oct 30, 2014
Renewable Energy Group (REG) has finished upgrades to its 30 MMgy biodiesel biorefinery in Mason City, Iowa, US, which enables the plant to produce biofuel from a number of diverse raw materials. Work on the $20 million (€16 million) project started approximately one year ago, shortly after plant operations were restarted, following REG's acquisition in July 2013. In... [Read More]

Bioethanol News
Oct 30, 2014
Enerkem has made three separate announcements relating to development plans in China. Firstly the waste-to-biofuels and chemicals producer announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Shanghai Environmental Group, a municipal solid waste (MSW) company and subsidiary of Shanghai Chengtou Holding, to develop a project partnership to build a municipal... [Read More]

Policy News
Oct 29, 2014
As the first African Sustainable Transport Forum took place in Nairobi, Kenya, on 28 October, Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA), which promote biofuel friendly policies internationally, called on forum attendees to adopt biofuels friendly policies and regulations that would encourage the increased use of sustainable biofuels in Africa’s transport sector. Earlier... [Read More]

Biodiesel News
Oct 28, 2014
From November, Malaysia will lift its biodiesel mandate from 5% to 7%. The world's second largest palm grower hopes to lower stocks and raise prices that have dropped more than 20% this year, while increasing the domestic consumption of palm-based biodiesel. The government hopes that the higher mandate for the subsidised sector will help reduce the country’s reliance... [Read More]

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