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US EPA extends comment period on REGS and PO

The US Enviornmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will extend the public comment periods for its Renewable Enhancement and Growth Support proposed rule and its proposed denial to change the point of obligation under the renewable fuel standard (RFS).

The original 60-day comment period on the proposed REGS rulemaking was set to close 17 Jan, 2017.

 According to the EPA, it received a joint request for an extension on 9 December, 2016. That request was filed by the American Soybean Association, Corn Refiners Association, Global Renewable Strategies and Consulting, Growth Energy, Iowa Biodiesel Board, Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, National Biodiesel Board, National Renderers Association, Renewable Fuels Association, and US Canola Association.

Within the request, the petitioners asked for an extension in order to have more time to evaluate the implications of the REGs rule. The EPA said that in light of the large number of revisions proposed in the REGS rulemaking, it will extend the comment period for 30 days. The new deadline to file written comments is 16 February, 2017. 

The EPA has also issued a 30-day extension period of the comment period associated with its proposed denial of petitions seeking to change the RFS point of obligation. According to the EPA, it received a request from the Small Retailers Coalition on 13 December, 2016, asking for an extension to allow its members to provide thorough comments and data. The agency said it will extend the deadline to file written comments to take views in on the point of obligation issue.

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