US bill aims to eliminate corn ethanol volume mandate
Republican Senator Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania and Democratic Senator Bob Menendez from New Jersey, part of the group introducing the bill, represent states with oil refineries.
Lawmakers from both states have been pushing the Biden administration to relieve refineries of their obligations under the US Renewable Fuel Standard, which was enacted to expand the market for US renewable fuels and boost energy independence.
Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein from California and Republican Senator Susan Collins from Maine joined Toomey and Menendez in introducing the bill. They say that other biofuels have lower greenhouse gas emissions, though ethanol proponents argue the product is a good option to help fight climate change now.
The senators claim the bill would help reduce carbon emissions from transportation fuels by removing volume requirements for corn ethanol, while leaving in place obligations for other biofuels and biodiesel.
Under the RFS, refiners must blend some 15 billion gallons of ethanol into their fuel each year - a huge boost to the corn industry - along with billions of gallons of other types of biofuels.
The Advanced Biofuels Business Council has spoken out against the bill.