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Sustainable Aviation demands ‘level-playing field’ for biofuels

The aviation industry urges a reduction in its reliance on fossil fuels.

The Sustainable Aviation Council wants a combination of government regulatory action and private investment to help create alternatives to petrol, arguing that biofuels could contribute to the EU's climate objectives and the industry's aim to cut its carbon emissions in half by 2050.

'The most critical period in terms of developing alternative fuels is now,' Jonathon Counsell, chair of Sustainable Aviation and the head of environment at British Airways, said at the Farnborough International Airshow, UK.

The trade group released a paper, entitled 'Fuelling the future', highlightING the need to develop new sources for jet fuel, which 'will create jobs, increase fuel security and establish the UK as a centre for sustainable aviation fuels'.

With calls for $6 billion (€4.4 billion) in investment over 15 years in the refining capacity of the UK alone, the group hopes this will create a 'level-playing field'.

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