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Revised RED III proposals warmly welcomed

EWABA, the EU association representing the European waste-based and advanced biodiesel industry, has welcomed the European Parliament’s plenary vote on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) legislative proposal.
The organisation said the industry welcomed the Parliament’s provision to increase the existing proposed limit to Annex IX Part B feedstocks (used cooking oil-UCO and animal fats cats 1 and 2) subject to an expected imminent revision of Annex IX via a Commission delegated Regulation.
EWABA noted that regarding this limitation, the Member States’ approach as included in the Council negotiating position constitutes a more solid policy choice as it gives them more flexibility to modify the limits in accordance with their specific decarbonisation needs and regulatory preferences.
The organisation said: “In any event, our industry believes that the inclusion of amendments on softening the Annex IX Part B limitation in the negotiating texts of both co-legislators would indicate that some sort of flexibility will indeed make it to the final agreement following trilogue negotiations, in line with our industry’s recommendations and ensuring continuous support to the uptake of waste-based biodiesel to decarbonize the road/heavy duty and maritime sectors.
“Flexibility for the contribution of Annex IXB feedstocks coupled with the reintroduction of the double counting promotion mechanism for the whole of Annex IX, as currently proposed in the Council General approach, will ensure the continuous supply of sustainable waste-based and advanced biodiesel into the EU fuel mix at a time of immense pressure on fuel security and increased calls for EU fossil fuel independency.

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