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Research shows sustainable fuels to cut emissions by 2050

An alliance comprising of the UK's airlines, airports, manufacturers and air navigation service provider NATS, has unveiled its latest road map, looking at the possibilities for sustainable aviation fuels.

Sustainable Aviation's (SA) research indicates the potential for a 24% reduction in aviation carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 and the creation of £265 million.
The industry now seeks the support of government regulation to further develop the sector.

The sustainable aviation company identifies potential volumes of sustainable aviation fuel from now to 2050, in the report, both for the UK and around the world. It outlines the effect these fuels can have on the decarbonisation of the UK economy, economic development and the viability of the sector for producers and investors.

'Sustainable aviation fuels have the potential to play an important role in achieving the UK's ambition to reduce carbon emissions from transport, contributing to EU 2030 climate change policy goals and the global aviation target to halve net carbon emissions by 2050,' says Jonathon Counsell, chair of Sustainable Aviation. 'We look forward to working closely with Government to ensure policies are consistent across transport modes that will drive the necessary investment.'

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