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Petrobras starts work on ethanol pipeline

Brazil-based energy firm Petrobras has begun building a 528-mile ethanol pipeline, in conjunction with PMCC and construction company Camargo Correa.

Work on the pipeline commenced on 22 November 2010, the first section of which will connect the cities Ribeirao Preto to Paulinia. Ribeirao Preto is a major sugarcane- producing region, while Paulinia is a key fuel distribution and refining hub for the nation.

Both are located in Sao Paulo state, where over 60% of Brazil’s sugarcane is produced.

The first part of the pipeline is scheduled for completion by Q2 2012. It will then be expanded through a number of states, one of which is Goias, which has seen an increase in the number of sugarcane mills erected in recent years. This section of the pipeline is slated for completion by the beginning of 2014.

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