
Mission NewEnergy completes Malaysia biodiesel plant

In Port Kuantan, Malaysia, Australia-based Mission NewEnergy has commissioned its second 75mgy Axens second generation biodiesel transesterification refinery.

During the performance tests, the plant achieved its nameplate capacity and met all guaranteed performance parameters, and Mission is in discussions with its turnkey contractor, KNM Process Systems, to finalise the handover of the plant.

‘The addition of the 250,000 tonnes a year production capacity is key to our strategy of becoming a high-volume, low-cost producer of biodiesel and best positioned to achieve profitability even where market conditions yield inconsistent refining spreads,’ Nathan Mahalingam, group MD of Mission NewEnergy, says.

Mission expects to begin producing under the Valero contract once the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has accepted palm oil as an approved pathway, and makes palm oil biodiesel eligible for Renewable Identification Number (RINS). The EPA has stated that it expects to complete its ruling by in 2010.

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