Increasing the availability of feedstocks in a competitive market
Celinski said that in Europe transportation represented almost a quarter GHG emission, where road transportation was by far the biggest, more than 70%, followed by aviation and maritime.
He said: “Following the ambitious goals of the companies to become carbon neutral, hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) based on renewable feedstocks are definitively bringing the right values being an effortless alternative to regular petrol based oils.
“Renewable fuels can help reduce GHG emissions and will support the transition towards electrification of road vehicles and be key driver for change in other sectors, like aviation.
On top of that, renewable diesel or sustainable aviation fuel from waste feedstocks are not competing with food oils and can contribute to deforestation problem linked with fuel production.
“In 2022, the focus will still be on turning recycled waste materials into valuable renewable feedstocks.
“The volumes of waste materials are limited, and the types and quality can vary a lot.
“This poses a challenge for example for HVO/SAF producers, since compositions and impurity profiles fluctuate.
“On the other hand, being able to process difficult-to-treat feedstocks generates benefits by increasing the availability of feedstocks in a competitive market.
“Clariant’s sustainably produced TONSIL® RNF absorbent solutions significantly enhance the efficiency and economics of bio- and renewable fuels production process by removing impurities and enable stable processing even for difficult-to-treat feedstocks.”