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Increasing SAF supply

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Cepsa and Air Europa have sealed an alliance whereby the energy company will supply 14.4 tons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to the airline for one year to cover the first monthly Madrid-Havana flight.


This is the first time that two companies in Spain have established a regular supply of this sustainable fuel for a specific air route.
During the period of collaboration between Cepsa and the airline, the emission of around 50 tons of CO2 will be avoided, equivalent to planting 575 trees.
The trips, which will feature 2% SAF in aircraft tanks, will serve as a test run ahead of the targets set by the European Union in its ReFuelEU Aviation legislative initiative, developed to boost sustainability in the airline industry.
While there is no current obligation for airlines to use SAF, the new regulation requires European airlines to fly with 2% of sustainable fuel beginning in 2025, increasing to 6% in 2030 and 70% in 2050.
Jesús Nuño de la Rosa, CEO of Air Europa, said: "This agreement fulfills the commitments made in terms of sustainability, one of the backbones of the airline's 2023-2025...

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