Governors await 13% US ethanol blend rate
Members of the Governors' Biofuels Coalition said they want the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue a waiver to allow the sale of 13% ethanol blends.
President Obama and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack have expressed support to the governors for increased biofuels use to help lessen dependence on foreign oil.
‘The EPA is going to take a very serious look at that 10% waiver, and we're encouraged,’ Iowa Governor and vice chair of the coalition Chet Culver says.
The coalition's chair and North Dakota Governor John Hoeven believes the EPA will act on the waiver request within weeks or months.
Ethanol makers have been pushing to boost the blend rate as high as 20% to encourage the development of the industry.
Corn-based ethanol companies have struggled to make profits recently because of volatile corn and oil prices. Some companies have filed for bankruptcy, and about a fifth of ethanol capacity has been idled.