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Evogene produces biojet from castor oil

Located in Rehovot, Israel, biofuel plant producer Evogene has produced biojet that meets the key international standards for alternative aviation fuels. Also known as bio synthesised paraffinic kerosene (Bio-SPK) and hydroprocessed renewable jet (HRJ), biojet is the plant-based alternative to aviation fuel.

Evogene Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Evogene Ltd. and developed the biojet produced from castor varieties in collaboration with NASA, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Air Force Research Laboratory and Honeywell’s UOP, a leading international developer and licensor of refining process technology.

Under the feasibility agreement, which Evogene entered into with NASA in April 2009, biojet produced from Evogene castor oil through UOP’s technology is expected to undergo additional advanced testing by NASA and the US Air Force Research Laboratory.

‘A diverse range of feedstocks is critical to creating a sustainable biofuels infrastructure,’ said Jim Rekoske, general manager of renewable energy and chemicals at Honeywell’s UOP. ‘Castor oil has proven to be a viable second generation source and we believe it has the potential to be an important contributor to the production of aviation biofuels.’

Today’s results demonstrate that such biojet meets the ASTM D7566 fuel specification requirements for alternative aviation fuel containing synthesised hydrocarbon. However it is expected that specifications for alternative aviation fuels containing Bio-SPK will be approved for commercial airline use before the end of 2010 or early 2011.

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