
EU rapeseed imports tumbled to one third below previous year’s level

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EU-27 rapeseed imports in the current crop year July-February amounted to 3.5 million tonnes - falling as much as one third short of the previous year's volume.
However, imports rose substantially the previous season exceeding that of the 2021/22 season by 6%.
According to information published by Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft (AMI), Ukraine has maintained its top position among the key rapeseed suppliers to the EU in the current crop year despite the continuing war.
With 2.4 million tonnes, just under 13% down on the same period a year earlier, the country accounts for 67% of EU rapeseed imports. This share compares to 52% in 2022/23.
Australia contributed much less due to a smaller harvest, but still ranks as the second most important supplier to the EU with 768,000 million tonnes and a share of 22%.
A year earlier, the country delivered 2 million tonnes - more than twice the amount supplied in the current crop year.
Imports from Canada also plummeted. At 42,500 tonnes, the EU received only a fraction of the previous year’s amount of 230,800 tonnes.
Canada's share in total EU imports dropped 3 percentage points to 1.2%.
Moldova and Serbia gained noticeably in importance as rapeseed suppliers to the EU and increased their imports many times over to 233,100 tonnes and 107,200 tonnes respectively.
Taking Moldova as an example, it can be assumed that most rapeseed exported to the EU originates from Ukraine, as Moldova itself produced approximately 75,000 tons of rapeseed in 2023.

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