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EBB highlights key role biodiesel plays in Fit-for-55 package

The European Biodiesel Board (EBB) presented its new roadmap from 2030 to 2050 at its annual policy event.
After a keynote speech given by Henna Virkkunen, Member of the European Parliament, a roundtable with speakers from the European Commission, the biodiesel industry, as well as transport and fuel stakeholders discussed how to use sustainable renewable biofuels to decrease emissions.
According to the European Commission’s own projections, the demand for renewable fuels is expected to strongly increase in the coming decades, with a peak at 163 Mtoe in 2043.
This demand will mainly come from hard-to-decarbonise sectors like heavy-duty road transport, aviation, or maritime transport. A gap is predicted between these sectors’ needs, and what can be produced under the RED II caps.
Ms Virkkunen, Member of the European Parliament (Finland, EPP) said: “EU climate policies should provide regulatory certainty and a long-term investment perspective to European industry, beyond 2030.
“Moreover, these decarbonisation policies should ensure technology neutrality, make use of all available solutions. One clear example of inconsistency in the Fit-for-55 package is the increasing demand for biofuel in one hand, while on the other hand the sustainability criteria for biofuels is becoming more restrictive. This does not help the EU to deliver on its high ambition, since there is no coherence between the different elements of the package.”
The existing EU legislation hinders the biodiesel contribution to decarbonisation. The EU proposals currently under discussion need to address this issue to reach the EU’s Fit-for-55 goals.
Xavier Noyon, EBB Secretary General, concluded: “The Commission’s scenarios examined in the EBB roadmap show that we are facing a huge increase in the demand for biodiesel. Biodiesel must have a role to play in the transition towards climate neutral transports. While revising its policy and legal framework, the EU should really look into all available options, consider their limits as well as their potential, and put in place the right framework to meet the EU’s decarbonisation targets.”
Don't forget our world-leading Biofuels International Conference and Expo takes place in Brussels on March 15-16 with some great speakers participating. For more information go to https://biofuels-news.com/conference/ 

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