
Dyadic issued with 10th US patent

Dyadic International, a company dedicated to the production of enzymes for the bioenergy industry, among others, has been issued a US patent, number 7,923,236 entitled, 'Fungal Enzymes' by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

The patent includes technology relating to the use of and methods for producing novel enzymes and their combinations to convert lignocellulosic biomass into fermentable sugars.

The inventions also relate to ways of using new enzymes and their combinations in a variety of other processes including the simultaneous production of organic substances such as alcohol, ethanol, amino and organic acids, as well as other organic substances. Additional claims are directed to a variety of pulp and paper manufacturing processes such as biorefining, deinking and bleaching, as well as for use in the treatment of waste streams and in textile and detergent processes.

These enzymes were isolated from Dyadic's patented and proprietary C1 fungus and additionally identified through the genome annotation project conducted by Dyadic in conjunction with Scripps Florida.

The president and CEO of Dyadic Mark Emalfarb states: 'This patent provides Dyadic with additional protection in the use of unique enzymes generated from Dyadic's C1 platform technology to unlock the economic power of converting plentiful feedstocks of plant materials into sugars that can be fermented into chemicals, plastics, and fuels including ethanol, as a substitute for petroleum.'

This is the tenth US patent to be issued to Dyadic. The company now has 74 patents worldwide, in addition to more than 33 pending patent applications.

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