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Deinove produces muconic acid from second generation substrates

Deinove, a French biotech company developing processes for producing biofuels and bio-based chemicals by using Deinococcus bacteria, has produced muconic acid in their laboratory using second-generation substrates.

This July Deinove announced that it had deployed a new R&D platform dedicated to the production of muconic acid, a versatile chemical intermediate whose derivatives – caprolactam, terephthalic acid (a precursor to PET), and adipic acid — are widely used in the plastics industry (notably for automotive and packaging applications), the production of synthetic fibers for textiles or industry (mainly nylon), and food (acidifying agent).

The company has since obtained proof of concept in their laboratory for the transformation of second-generation cellulose-based materials into muconic acid.

Furthermore, the improvements made to the strains have made it possible to multiply production by five compared to the previous trials carried out on monosaccharide-based model substrates, glucose and xylose.

Cellulose is one of the main components in biomass, plants and wood, as well as in paper and cardboard, which are also called second-generation materials.

Cellulose molecules are complex (sugar chains with six carbon atoms) and they have to be broken down into monosaccharides before fermentation in a processing step know as hydrolysis.

According to Emmanuel Petiot, CEO of Deinove, bio-based muconic acid is a real renewable alternative for the chemical industry, and it will be able to replace petroleum-based industrial processes on significant market.

‘Deinococcus is no doubt a well-suited micro-organism for the development of this new process, with a metabolism that is naturally oriented toward muconic acid and unique characteristics in view of the low-cost conversion of second-generation substrates. This 2G-based production opens many opportunities, including the reuse of agricultural residue and urban waste, the first step toward a real circular economy,’ Petiot says.

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