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D1 Oils and BP enhance energy fuels project

UK-based energy crop developer D1 Oils and its joint venture energy company partner BP have announced business plans to improve their fuel crop project using jatropha.

D1 Oils Plant Science Limited (DOPSL), the company’s subsidiary, has developed the group’s global breeding programme in support of D1-BP Fuel Crops, establishing a central facility in Cape Verde and eight development centres in Africa, India and south east Asia.

DOPSL delivered 19 million seedlings of its first jatropha selection to D1-BP Fuel Crops’ farmers in 2008.

DOPSL is currently evaluating 13 new selections of jatropha material in 29 product placement trials worldwide.

In 2009 the best performers will be selected for high oil yield and biodiesel profile and multiplied for initial commercial release to take place in 2010.

The business plan for D1-BP Fuel Crops will tighten the geographic focus and reduce costs and cash requirements, whilst maintaining investment in the key technologies and capabilities.

Total planting of jatropha at 31 December 2008 was approximately 257,000 hectares (192,016 hectares as at 31 March 2008). The majority of the activity during the year was in North East India. During the year the joint venture successfully produced its first quantities of crude jatropha oil.

An assessment of the carbon performance of D1-BP Fuel Crop’s jatropha planting in North East India reveals that jatropha-based biodiesel can deliver over 60% carbon savings compared to fossil fuel diesel.

Ecofys, a sustainable energy consulting company, estimates that the default values for the carbon savings of other energy crops (rapeseed, soya, palm oil, sunflower) given under the UK RTFO and the draft EU RED have lower values than jatropha.

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