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Biodiesel plant opens in Ontario

Atlantic Biodiesel has officially opened its state-of-the-art renewable fuel facility located in the Niagara Greenbelt in Welland, Ontario.

'Our facility is up and running. We are excited to be a part of this community and to support the local economy. We are making a commitment today; where we are able to, we're going to source locally,' says Michael Paszti, COO of Atlantic Biodiesel .

The new Atlantic Biodiesel facility is one of the largest plants of its kind in North America, producing 45 million gallons per year of renewable biodiesel and 4 million gallons per year of high-grade glycerine.

It is strategically located within close proximity of rail infrastructure, providing for storage and shipping ability to a range of North American markets.

'The facility will bring approximately 25 direct jobs and significant indirect business to the area,' says Mayor Frank Campion.

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